Wednesday 23 May 2012

Siddiq Al Akbar

Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Musa bin Urwah narrated from Mohammad bin Uthman Al- Mo’addel, from Mohammad bin Abdil Malik, from Yazid bin Harun, from Hammad bin Salama, from Thabit, from Anas bin Malik, who said: 

I saw the Prophet in my dream and he asked me: 

O Anas!  What made you disobey me and ignore everything that I said about Ali bin Abi Taleb until you received the punishment?  If Ali does not forgive you, you will not even smell Paradise.  (And if you want his forgiveness) Announce and tell people that Ali, his progeny, and their lovers are the “SAABEQUN” (the foremost), they are the first ones in Paradise.  

The lovers (of Ali) are the neighbours of Allah’s friends in Paradise.  Allah’s friends are Hamza (the Prophet’s uncle), Jaafar (the Prophet’s cousin), and Hasan and Husain.  As for Ali, he is the SEDDIQ AL-AKBAR (the most truthful one).  Those who love him need not fear the Day of Judgement. 

(Ref :Khawarezmi in Manaqeb P32. and his Maqtal V1 P40. Kashf Al-Ghommah V1 P104. Ghayatol Maram P580 H27. )

1 comment:

  1. Salam alaikum
    Dear brother
    Thanks a lot for posting traditions on marefat e ahlulbait a.s.

    There is one confusion with me, pls solve it. That is: the reference of many traditions posted by u is "Ghayatol Maram" by Allama Sayed Hashim Bahrani, but u never give its volume no.
    As far my knowledge, its in 6-7 volumes

    So, kindly help on this

    Thanks & best regards
    Najaf Hussain
