The knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar
Al-Tousi narrated from his blessed father Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan
Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from
Abul Hasan Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Hasan, from his father, from Saad bin
Abdullah bin Musa, from Mohammad bin Abdullah Al-Arzami, from Moaalla bin
Hilal, from Al-Kalabi, from Abi Saleh, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of
Allah (s.a.w.a.), who said:
Allah (s.w.t.)
honoured Me (s.a.w.w.) with five
virtues and Allah honoured Ali (as) with
five virtues:
Allah (s.w.t.) gave
Me (s.a.w.w.) the knowledge of
everything and gave Ali (as) the knowledge of everything.
Allah (s.w.t.) appointed me as a Prophet (as) and appointed Ali (as) as the successor.
Allah (s.w.t.) gave
me the river of Kawthar and gave Ali (as) the river of SALSABIL.
Allah (s.w.t.) gave
me the revelation and gave Ali (as) the inspiration.
Allah (s.w.t.) took
me to Me’raaj and Allah (s.w.t.) opened
the doors of the skies for Ali (as) and removed all of the covers, so Ali (as) could see me and I could see him while I was
in Me’raaj.
Then the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) started crying.
So I (Ibn Abbas) asked him, “Why are you crying, O Messenger
of Allah (s.w.t.) ? May I sacrifice my father and mother for you.”
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) replied:
O Ibn Abbas! On the night of Me’raaj, the first thing that
Allah (s.w.t.) told me was, ‘O Mohammad,
(s.a.w.w.) look down.’
So I looked down, and I saw the doors of the skies were open
and all of the covers were removed.
I could see Ali (as) and he was looking up at me. Ali (as) spoke
to me and I spoke to Ali (as) . Then
Allah (s.w.t.) spoke to me.
So I (Ibn Abbas) asked, “What did Allah (s.w.t.) say to you?”
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) replied, “Allah (s.w.t.) said to me, ‘O Mohammad! (s.a.w.w.) I have assigned Ali (as) as your successor,
your minister, and your caliph after you.
So let Ali (as) know because he can hear you.” So I told Ali
(as) what Allah (s.w.t.) had ordered me to say. Ali (as) replied, “I have
accepted this position and I will obey.”
Then Allah (s.w.t.) ordered all of the angels to say Salaam
to Ali, (as) and they all did.
Ali (as) replied to their Salaam, and I saw that the angels
were pleased that Ali had replied to their Salaam.
I did not pass by any angel who did not congratulate me and
say, “O Mohammad (s.a.w.w.) ! We swear by Allah (s.w.t.) , who sent you as a
Messenger, that all of the angels became happy when Allah (s.w.t.) appointed
your cousin, Ali (as) .”
Then I saw the carriers of the Throne lowering their heads
toward the earth.
So I asked Jibraeel , “Why are the carriers of the Throne
lowering their heads toward the earth?”
Jibraeel replied, “All of the angels were honoured by
looking at the face of Ali (as) except the carriers of the Throne. Now they
have asked permission from Allah (s.w.t.) to look at his face and Allah (s.w.t.)
granted them permission.”
Then when I came down from Me’raaj I was telling Ali (as) about what had happened, but it was Ali (as) who
was telling me about everything that had happened.
So I knew that I had not stepped foot anywhere without it
being uncovered for Ali (as) and without Ali (as) seeing it.
Then I (Ibn Abbas) said, “O Messenger of Allah (s.w.t.) !
Advise me.”
The Messenger of Allah (s.w.t.) said, “O Ibn Abbas! I advise you to love Ali
bin AbiTaleb (as) .”
I (Ibn Abbas) said to him, “Give me some other advice.”
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said:
I advise you to love Ali bin Abi Taleb. (as) I swear by Allah, who sent me as a Prophet,
that Allah (s.w.t.) will not accept the
good deeds of any slave without first questioning him about his love for Ali
bin Abi Taleb (as) , and Allah knows the truth.
So if the slave had the Wilayat, Allah (s.w.t.) will accept all of the deeds of that slave,
despite his shortcomings. If the slave did not have the Wilayat, Allah (s.w.t.)
will not question him about anything
else and will order him to be taken to Hell.
O Ibn Abbas! I swear by Allah (s.w.t.) , who sent me as a
prophet, that Hell is harsher on those who hate Ali (as) than it is on those
who believe Allah had a son.
O Ibn Abbas! Even if all of the high-ranked angels and all
of the prophets hated Ali (as) , which they do not, Allah (s.w.t.) would torture them in Hell.
So I asked the Prophets,“Is there anyone who hates Ali (as) ?”
The Prophets replied:
Yes, some people who think they are from my nation hate him
and they have nothing to do with Islam. One of the signs of those who hate Ali (as)
is that they elevate people who are lower than Ali (as) above Ali (as) .
O Ibn Abbas! I swear by Allah (s.w.t.) , who sent me as a Prophet,
that Allah (s.w.t.) did not send any Prophet
more honourable in His eyes than me, and Allah (s.w.t.) did not appoint any successor more honourable
in His eyes than my successor, Ali (as).
Ibn Abbas narrates that he continued loving Ali (as) &
just as the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) had
ordered and advised him, and that this was his most important deed.
Ibn Abbas narrates that he went to visit the Prophet
(s.a.w.a.) on his death bed and said to him, “May I sacrifice my father and
mother for you, O Messenger of Allah (s.w.t.) ! Your death has approached, so
what do you command me to do?”
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) replied, “Be against those who are
against Ali (as) . Do not support them or associate yourself with them.”
I asked him, “Why don’t you order people not to be against
Ali (as).
The Prophet (s.a.w.w.) started crying until he fainted. When he awoke
he said:
O Ibn Abbas! Allah (s.w.t.) knows them (those who are against Ali (a.s.)).
O Ibn Abbas! I swear by Allah (s.w.t.) , who sent me as a Prophet,
that none of those who hate Ali (as) or ignore his rights will leave this world
without first being disgraced.
O Ibn Abbas! If you want to meet Allah (s.w.t.) while He is pleased with you, follow the path
of Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) . Turn when he turns and accept Ali (as) as your
Imam. Be the enemy of his enemies, and be the friend of his friends.
O Ibn Abbas! Beware of having doubts about Ali (as) ,
because doubt about Ali (as) is Kufr to Allah (s.w.t.) .
(Note from Mohammad bin Abi Qasem Al-Tabari, the author:
This Hadith proves that those who elevate anyone above hate him, despite- the
claim of the general population that they do not hate Ali (a.s.) and despite
their claim of being Muslims. Amaali of Tousi 1:104. Bihar Al-Anwar 16:370,
28:157- Taawil Al-Ayaat 1:277)
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