Sunday, 21 October 2012

Allah (s.w.t.)'s Party

The scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Hasan bin Husain bin Ali bin Babewyeh narrated from his uncle Mohammad bin Hasan, from Hasan bin Husain, from his uncle the blessed scholar Abi laafar Mohammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Babeweyh, from Mohammad bin Ahmad Al-Sheibani, from Mohammad bin Jaafar Al-Kufi Al-Asaadi, from Mohammad bin Isma’eel Al-Barmaki, from Abdullah bin Ahmad, from Qasem bin Sulaymaan, from Thabet bin Abi Safiyyah, from Saad bin Ghelaabah, from Abi Saeed Aqeesaa, from Husain bin Ali, from his father the Commander of Believers (a.s.) from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), who said:

O Ali (as) ! You are my brother and I am your brother. I (s.a.w.w.)  was chosen for Prophethood and you (as)  were chosen for Imamate. The Qur’an was revealed to me and you have its knowledge. Me and you are the two fathers of this nation.

O Ali (as) ! You are my caliph, my successor, my minister, my heir, and you are the father of my sons. Your Shia are my Shia, your supporters are my supporters, your followers are my followers, and your enemies are my enemies.

O Ali (as) ! On the Day of Judgement, you will accompany me by the Pool, and you will accompany me at the highest level of Paradise.

O Ali (as) ! You are the owner of my flag in the Hereafter, just as you are in this life. Those who follow you are blessed, and those who are against you are distressed. Angels attain nearness to Allah and glorify Him by loving and following you. I swear to Allah that the number of those who follow you in the heavens is greater than the number of those who follow you on earth.

O Ali (as)  You are the trustworthy one from my nation, and you are Allah’s (s.w.t.)  decisive argument on His creation after me.

Your words are my words, your orders are my orders, obeying you is obeying me, holding you back is holding me back, stopping you is stopping me, and disobeying you is disobeying me.

Your party is my party, and my party is Allah’s (s.w.t.)  party as Allah  (s.w.t.) says,

“He who takes Allah (s.w.t.)  and His Messenger (s.a.w.w.)  and those who believe as his guardians, verily has joined Allah’s (s.w.t.)  party; they are those who shall always be victorious” {5:56).

(Bihar Al-Anwar 40:53. Amaali of Sadouq 272.)

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