The scholar Abu Ali Mohammad bin Ali bin Qarwash Al-Tamimi
narrated from the scholars Abi Taleb Mohammad bin Mohammad bin Husain
Al-Sabbagh Al-Qorashi and Abi Qasem Hasan bin Zaid bin Hamza Al-Bazzaz, from
Ali bin Abdul Rahman bin Maani Al-Kateb, from Abi Jaafar Mohammad bin Mansour,
from Ali bin Hasan bin Omar bin Ali bin Husain, from Ibrahim bin Rajaa
Al-Sheibani, who said:
Someone asked Imam Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), “What did the
Prophets mean by the word MOWLA on the day of Ghadeer when he said, ‘Of
whomsoever I am their Mowla, Ali (as) is
their Mowla. Allah (s.w.t.) ! Befriend
his friends and be the enemy of his enemies.”
Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.) sat up straight and said, “I
swear to Allah (s.w.t.) that people
asked the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) the same question and the Prophet
(s.a.w.a.) replied (in the following way):
Allah (s.w.t.) is my
master and has more authority on me than I do on myself. I do not have any
authority on myself compared to His authority on me.
I am the master of the believers, and I have more authority
on them than they have on themselves. They do not have any authority on
themselves compared to my authority (on them).
And Ali (as) is the
master of the believers, and Ali (as) has
more authority on them than they have themselves. They do not have any
authority on themselves compared to Ali’s (as) authority (on them).
(Bihar Al-Anwar 37:222)
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