Sunday, 30 September 2012

Maula Ali (as) Advice To Kumail ----- Part 13

Part 13
..... O Kumail! The Messenger of Allaht (s.w.t.); told me something which he announced to the supporters from Medina and to the immigrants from Makkah on the afternoon of the fifteenth day of Ramadhan while he was standing on top of his Minbar.

The Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said:
Ali (as) and my innocent sons, who are his sons, are from me and I am from them. My sons are the best of people after their mother. They are the ark (of rescue) and those who board it will survive, and those who stay behind will drown. The survivors are in Paradise and those who drown are in Hell.

O Kumail! Status is in Allah’s (s.w.t.)  hands and He will give it to anyone He wants. He is the Lord and owner of all virtues. So why do people envy us for virtues that Allah (s.w.t.) has bestowed on us? Allah also created us before any other creation. Do they think that they can disconnect us from our Lord with their jealousy?

O Kumail! Let those who are not in Paradise be ready for the extreme torture in Hell: everlasting disgrace, shackles, bridles, long chains, large pieces of fire, neighborhood of every devil, purulent drinks, clothes made of iron, harsh guards, blazing fire, and closed and locked doors. The inmates of Hell will be screaming but will not be answered; they will call for help but there will be no mercy shown to them.

They will say, “O Malik, would that your Lord put an end to us.”

Malik will respond, “Verily you are to stay. Verily We brought to you the truth, but most of you despised the truth” (43:77-78).

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