Friday, 28 September 2012

Maula Ali (as) Advice To Kumail ----- Part 10

Part 10
O Kumail! Do not go to war except by the order of the just Imam (as) , and do not perform optional religious duties except by the order of the virtuous Imam (as) .

O Kumail! Do you think the prayers of a pious believer would be accepted without the guidance of Allah’s messengers (s.a.w.w.)? I swear to Allah (s.w.t.) that they would not be accepted.

O Kumail! Religion belongs to Allah (s.w.t.). So do not be deceived by the words of this deluded nation who denied us after they were guided and refused to obey us after they accepted us.

O Kumail! Religion belongs to Allah  (s.w.t.)and He does not allow anyone to announce it except the Messengers (As) , the Prophets (as) , and the Imams (as).

O Kumail! Positions assigned by Allah  (s.w.t.) are Prophethood and Imamate, and everyone else who claims a position from Allah (s.w.t.)  is an oppressor, invader, or one who has gone astray.

O Kumail! Christians did not deny Allah (s.w.t) , neither did Jews. They did not even deny Isa or Musa. 

O Kumail! What they did was they added, removed, and changed things. By doing so, they denied Allah (s.w.t.) , disbelieved, became accursed, resented, and they did not repent. That is why they are not accepted. 

O Kumail! Allah accepts only from the pious ones.

OKumail! Our father, Adam, was not born Jewish or Christian, and his son, Habil, was a righteous Muslim. Allah (s.w.t.) did not accept the sacrifice of Qabil because he was not a righteous Muslim. So Qabil envied his brother and killed him. Qabil is one of the twelve prisoners in FALAQ (lowest place in Hell), six of the prisoners will be from the beginning (of time) and six are from the end. 

Faalaq is the lowest place in Hell, and the steam of Falaq heats Hell. So avoid those whose steam is the source of the heat of Hell.

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