Sunday, 30 September 2012

Maula Ali (as) Advice To Kumail ----- Part 12

Part 12
..... O Kumail! We are the second weight and the Qur’an is the first weight. The Prophet  (s.a.w.w.) gathered the people for seven continuous days, ensuring that everyone would hear the following message he gave on the Minbar:

O People! I speak on behalf of Allah (s.w.t.) ; I do not speak of my own inclination. So those who believe me believe Allah, and those who believe Him will be rewarded with Paradise. And those who do not believe me do not believe Allah (s.w.t.) , and those who do not believe Him will be punished with Hell.

Then the Prophet(s.a.w.w.) called me (Imam Ali (a.s.)) to stand next to him on the Minbar. He placed my head on his chest, and Hasan (as) and Husain (as) were to his right and left.
Then he said:

O people! Jibraeel told me that Allah (s.w.t.), who is both your Lord and my Lord, has ordered me to teach you that the Qur’an is the first weight. The second weight is Ali (as) , my successor, and then his sons, and then after them, their sons.

The first weight testifies for the second weight, and the second weight testifies for the first weight. They will always be together and will not separate until they meet Allah (s.w.t.) , and then Allah (s.w.t.)  will judge between them and His slaves.

O Kumail! If this is our status then why did they usurp our rights and precede us? And why did some (of them) hold back and not support us?

O Kumail! The Prophet (s.a.w.w.) informed them of the message of Allah (s.w.t.) and advised them but they do not like the advisors.

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