Saturday, 21 September 2013

Who Are Those People

Abdullah bin Shoraik, from Abi Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.), who said:

Abu Bakar, Omar, Zabair, and Abdul Rahman bin Awf went to visit the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.). The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) entered and sat with them, He gave his shoe to Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) (to fix them) because his boot straps were ripped.

Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said:

There will be some people sitting on pulpits made of lignt to the right of Allah (S.w.t.) and His Throne. Their faces and their clothes will be made of light, a light 9that is so bright) that it blinds those who look at it.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! who are those people?” Abubakar (La.) asked. But the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) did not reply.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! who are those people?” Zubair (La.) asked. But the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) did not reply.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! who are those people?” Abdul Rahman(La.) asked. But the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) did not reply.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! Who are those people?” Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) asked.

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) replied, “They are the people who loved (in the way of Allah (S.w.t.)) with  the light of Allah (S.w.t.), regardless of family ties or wealth. They are our Shia, O Ali (A.s.) and you are their Imam.”

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 39:216)

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