Friday, 13 September 2013

The Dust From Under Your Feet

Jabir bin Abdullah Al-ansair, who said:

When Ali (A.s.) came back to the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) after acheiving victory in (the Battle of) Khaibar, the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) said to him:

I swear to Allah (S.w.t.) that if I was not worried that some people would speak about the way Christians speak about Isa, I would say things about you that would make people take the dust from under your feet and the water form the remainder of your WUDHU (ablution ) in order to be cured.

But it is enough to say that you are from me and I am from you. You inherit from me and I inherit from you.

You are to me like Harun was to Musa, except that there is no prophet after me. You will fulfill my promises and you will fight based on my traditions.

On the Day Of Judgement, you will be my caliph at the Pool and you will be the first who joins me by the Pool. you will be the first to be dressed (after resurrection) with me.

You will be the first to enter Paradise from my nation.

Your Shia will be sitting on pulpits made of light around me with their faces shining, i will intercede for them and they will be my neighbors in Paradise. 

Your war is my war and your peace is my peace. That which is hidden within you is hidden within me, and that which is apparent in you is apparent in me. 

Your intentions are my intentions. Your children are my children, You will accomplish my goals.

HAQQ is with you. It is in you tongue, it is in your heart, and it is between your eyes. Faith is mixed in your flesh and blood, just as it is mixed in my flesh and blood.

(On the Day of Judgement) those who hate you will not be able to come to the Pool, and those who love you will not be separated from you next to the Pool.

The Ali (A.s.) fell on the ground to prostrate for Allah (S.w.t.) and said:

Praise be to Allah (S.w.t.) who honored me with Islam and taught me the Quran. And praise be to Allah (S.w.t.) who with His Beneficence and Generosity  placed my love inthe heart of the best of the creation, the last of the prophets and the Master of the Messengers (S.a.w.w.)

Then the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) said, "(O Ali (A.s.)!) if it had not been for you, the believers would not have been known after me.

(Ref: Amali of Soduq 86)

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