Monday, 23 September 2013

Beautify Us

Solayman bin Mahran, said:

I went to jaafar bin Mohammad (A.s.) and I found a group of Shia with him. I heard him say:

O Shia! You should beautify us (in the eyes of people) and not disgrace us (with your actions). Speak kindly to people, hold your tongues,and keep it (your tongues) from meddling and saying offensive words.

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 327, Amaali of Tousi 2:55)

Ride When I Ride

Faiz bin Mihtar, from his father, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (A.s.), from his father (4th Imam (A.s.), from his grandfather (3rd Imam(a.s.)) who said:

The Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) was riding (a horse/mule) and Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) was walking beside him.

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said to him, “O Ali (A.s.)! Either ride or go back because Allah (S.w.t.) has ordered that you should ride when I ride, walk when I walk, and sit when I sit except when there is a rule from among the rules of Allah (S.w.t.) that needs to be obeyed.

Allah (S.w.t.) has not honoured me with anything without honouring you with something similar.

He chose prophethood for me and He assigned you as my successor, so you will carry out the rules of the prophethood and accomplish its most difficult tasks.

I swear to the One who truly sent me as a prophet that those who deny you do not believe in me. And those who reject you hae not testified in me, and those who disbelieve in you do not believe in Allah (S.w.t.).

Your grace is from my grace, andmy grace is a grace for y ou, And that is why Allah (S.w.t.) says, “Say: ‘In the grace of Allah (S.w.t.) and in His mercy-in that let them rejoice, it is better than all that they amass” (10:58)

“Grace of Allah (S.w.t.)” (in this verse) is my prophethood. “His mercy” is the Wilayat of Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) .”In that” refers to my prophethood and Ali (A.s.)’s Wilayat. “Let them rejoice” refers to (the rejoicing of) the Shia. “It is better than all that they amass” refers to the enemies of the Shia. And “all that they amass” refers to wealth, children, and (pleasures of this life.

O Ali (A.s.)! I swear to Allah (S.w.t.) that you were not created except to worship Allah (S.w.t.), to make the religion of Allah (S.w.t.) known, and to make the path of guidance clear for those who seek it.

Those who deviate from you have gone astray, and those who are not guided to you and to your Wilayat cannot be guided to Allah (S.w.t.).

That is why Allah (S.w.t.) says, “Verily, I forgive, again and again, whosoever repents, beliees, and does good, and then he is guided” (20:82). “Guided” refers to your Wilayat.

O Ali (A.s.)! Allah (S.w.t.) has ordered me to announce your rights as religious obligations on people just like my rights.

(Honouring) your rights is a religious obligation on everyone who beleves in me. If it had not beenfor you, the party of Allah (S.w.t.) whold not have been known. It is though you that the enemies of Allah (S.w.t.) are known. Those who meet Allah (S.w.t.) without your Wilayat meet Allah (S.w.t.) without anything.

Allah (S.w.t.) reveled to me, “(O Mohammad) Deliver what has been sent down to you from your Lord” (5:67).

 O Ali (A.s.)!This referes to your Wilayat.“And if you do not do it, then, (it will be as if) you have not delievered His message (at all)” (5:67). If I had not announced the order of Allah (S.w.t.) about your Wilayat, the value of allof my deeds would have been nullified.

The value of the deeds of those who meet Allah (S.w.t.) without your Wilayat will be nullified.

I do not say anything excdpt Allah (S.w.t.)’s words, and what I said about you was sent down from Allah (S.w.t.) .

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 400, Bihar Al-Anwar 38:105)

The Successful Ones

Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) from Salman Allah (S.w.t.)-Faresi, who said:

O Abal Hasan (A.s.) ! Almost every time I was with the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) and we would see you coming towards us, the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) would say to me, “) Salman! Ali (A.s.) and his party are the successful ones on the Day Of Judgement.

(Ref: Aamali of Sadouq 397. Bihar Al Anwar 40:7)

A Piece Of My Flesh

Saeed bin Musayeb, from Ibn Abbas, who said:

The Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) was with Ali (A.s.), Fatema (S.a.) Hasan (A.s.), and Hussain (A.s.) one day when he said:

O Allah (S.w.t.)!you know that they are my family and they are the most honorable people in my eyes. O Allah (S.w.t.)! Love those who love them, and hate those who hate them. Befriend their friends, antagonize those who antagonize them, and support those who support them. O Allah (S.w.t.) ! Purify them from any uncleaniness; make them infallible and support them with the Holy Spirit.

Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said:

O Ali (A.s.)! You are the Imam of my nation, you are my caliph on my nation after me, and you will lead the believers to Paradise.

It is as if I can see my daughter, Fatema (S.a.), on the Day Of Judgement. She will be brought on a platform made of light. There will be seventy thousand angels to her right, seventy thousand angels to her left, seventy thousand angels in front of her, and seventy thousand angels behind her, and she will be leading the (female) believers of my nation to paradise.

Every woman who prays five times a day, fasts in the month of Ramadhan, goes to Hajj, prays and Zakaat, obeys her husband, and accepts the Wilayat of Ali (A.s.) after me will enter Paradise with the intercession of my daughter (S.a.).

Fatema (S.a.)  is the Master of All of the Worlds’ Women.

People asked, Is she the master of the women of her time?”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) replied:

Maryam was the master of the women of her time. My daughter, Fatema (S.a.), is the Master of All of the Worlds’ Women from the first to the last. Every time she stands in her mihrab for prayers, seventy thousand high-ranked angels come and say Salaam to her.

The angels call out to her, O Fatema (S.a.)! “Verily, Allah (S.w.t.) has chosen you, and purified you, and chosen you above all the womens' of the worlds” (3:42), which is the same way the angels used to call Maryam.

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) looked at Ali (A.s.) and said:

O Ali (A.s.)! Fatema (S.a.) is a piece of my flesh, she is the light of my eyes, and she is the apple of my heart. That which saddens her saddens me, and that which pleases her please me.

She is the first one (from my family) who will join me, so treat her with kindness after me.

As for Hasan (A.s.), and Husain (A.s.), they are my sons and my flowers. They are the Masters of the Youth of Paradise, so treat them like you would tret your eyes and ears.

Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) raised hands towards the sky and said:

O Allah (S.w.t.)! I testify that I love those who love them. I hate those who hate them. I am at peace with those who are at peace with them. I fight those who fight them. I am the enemy of their enemies, and I am the friend of their friends.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 37: 85)

The One Who Will Not Lead You Astray

The Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) said:

“Should I guide you to someone who will not lead you astray and who will prevent you from being destroyed if you follow him?”

People said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)!”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “Your Imam and your Wali is Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.). So support him, follow his advice, and believe in him. Jibraeel ordered me to tell you this.

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 384, Elal Al-Sharae’ 141)

The Legitimate And The Illegitimate

Ali Bin Husain (A.s.), from his father Husain bin Ali (A.s.), from his father the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.), from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), who said:

O Ali (A.s.)! Those who love me, you, and the Imams from your sons should thank Allah (S.w.t.) for the legitimacy of their birth because verily, no one loves us except those who are conceived legitimately, and no one hates us except those who are conceived illegitimately

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 386)

Coolness Of Our Love

Abi Mohammad Al-Ansari, from a group of our companions, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (A.s.), who said:

Those who wake up and find the coolness of our love in their heart should thank Allah (S.w.t.) for the first blessing.

People asked, “What is the first blessing?”

Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.) replied, “Legitimacy of birth.”

(Ref:Amaali of Sadouq 384, Elal Al-Sharae’ 141)

The First Blessing

Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq (A.s.), from his father, from his fathers (A.s.) from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), wh said:

“Those who love us should thank Allah (S.w.t.) for the first blessing.”

People asked, “What is the first blessing?”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) replied, “Legitimacy of birth. No one loves us except those who were conceived legitimately.”

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 383 Elal Al-Sharae 141 . Amaali of Tousi 2:71)

From Any One Of The Eight Gates Of Paradise

Abi, Baseer, from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq (A.s.), who said:

Those who are committed to the obligatory religious duties, who prevent themselves from committing unlawful acts, who do well in accepting the Wilayat of the family of the Prophet (S.a.w.w.), and who disown the enemies of Allah (S.w.t.), will enter Paradise from any one of the eight doors that they choose.

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 383)

Everything That Is Good

Abi Qudamah Allah (S.w.t.)-Fidaee, from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), who said:

Those whom Allah (S.w.t.) has honoured with the knowledge of my family and the acceptance of the Wilayat should know that Allah (S.w.t.) has bestowed on them everything that is good.

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 383)

The Pass Of Safety

Abu Salma Zaid bin Wahab, from Abdullah bin Abbas, from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), who said:

My Wilayt and the Wilayat of my family is a pass of safety from Hell.

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 382)

Everything That Is Good

Saeed bin Jobair, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), who said:

Those who want Allah (S.w.t.) to bestow on them everything that is good should follow Ali (A.s.) after me, love his friends, and be the enemy of his enemies.

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 382)

A Quintal For A Carate

Abdu Abdillah Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq (A.s.) narrated from his fathers. From the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), who said:

On the Day Of Judgement, I will repay those who supported my family with even as little as a carate, with (as much as) a quintal.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 26:228, amaali of Tousi 2:55)

Do You Love Them.

W.S. Ibn Abbas said:

Once the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) came out while carryng Hasan (a.s.) and Husain (A.s.) on each of his shoulders. He kept kissing Hasan (A.s.) and then kissing Husain (A.s.)
So Jibraeel asked the Prophet (S.a.w.w.), “Do you love them?”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) replied, “I love them and I love those who love them, Those who love them love me, and those who hate them hate me. “

My Identical Counterpart

Abdul Rahman bin Abi Layia, from his father, from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) who said:

No slave of Allah (S.w.t.) is considered to be  a believer unless he loves me more than he loves himself, loves my family more than heloves his own family, loves my progeny more than he loves his own progeny, and loves my identical counterpart (the Commander of the Believers(A.s.)) more than he loves himself.

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 274, Elal Al-Sharae 140)

The Bitter Watermelon

Abu Aamash, fro Abu Salih, from Abu Huraira, who said:
One day Abu Dhar, Bilal, and I were walking with Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.)

Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) saw a watermelon, so he gave one Dirham to Bilal and said, “O Bilal! Buy a watermelon with this Dirham and bring it to me.”

We followed Ali (A.s.) to his home and soon Bilal joined us with a watermelon. Ali (A.s.) cut the watermelon but it was bitter.

Ali (A.s.) said:

O Bilal, move this watermelon away from me and come back, and I will tell you a Hadith that I heard from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.).

The Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), with his hand on my shoulder, said to me,  “Allah offered your love to the stones, mud, seas and trees. Those who accepted loving you became pleasant and sweet, and those who refused it became malicious and bitter.”

So this watermelon is from among those who refused my love.

(Ref: Bihar Al Anwar 27:282, Ikhtisaas of Mufid 249. Riyaz’ Al Naz’erah by Tabari 2:215. Madinatul Ma’ajiz 263)

This Is Ali (A.s.)

Habeeb bin Abi Tahbit, from Saeed bin Jobair, from Ibne Abbas, who said:

The Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) said to Um Salamah:
This is Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.). His flesh is my flesh and his blood is my blood, Ali (A.s.) is to me like Haroun was to Musa, except that ther isno prophet after me.

O Um Salamah! This is Ali (A.s.) the Commander of the Believers, the Master of the Muslims, Ali is the keeper of my knowledge and he is the door that opens to me.

Ali (A.s.)  is my brother in this life and in the Hereafter, and he will be with me at the highest levels of paradise.

Ali (A.s.) will kill the disloyal ones, the perfidious, and the apostates.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 37:337) 

The Three Of Ali Bin Abi Taleb (A.S.) Virtues.

Abdullah bin As’ad bin Zorarah Al-Ansari, from his father, from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) who said:

When I went to the heavens on the night of Me’raaj, I reached a place made of pearls. The carpets in the place were made of shining gold.

Allah (S.w.t.) reveled three of Ali bin Abi Taleb’s (A.s.) virtures for me.

Allah (S.w.t.) said, “Ali (A.s.) is the Master of the Successors and the Master of Muslims; Ali (A.s.) is the Imam of the pious, and Ali (A.s.) is the glorified leader of the companions of Paradise.

(Ref:  Bihar al Anwar 18:402, Yaqeeb 177, 179) 

Ali (A.S.) Is His Master

Abdul Rahman bin Salih, from Musa bin Othman Al-Haz’rami, from Abi Ishaaq, from Barra’ bin Aazib and Zaid bin Arqam, who said:

We were with the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) on the Day Of Ghadeer when he said:
SADAQA (charity) is not permissible for me or for my family.

Beware! You have heard my words and you have seen my actions! Those of you who intentionally lie about my words or actions should be prepared for your place in Hell.

I will be standing by the Pool on the Day of Judgement and I want to boast about the size of my nation on that day, so do not disappoint me.

Verily, Allah (S.w.t.) is my Master and I am the master of every believer. O whomsoever I am his master, Ali (A.s.) is his master.

(Ref: Bihar Al Anwar 37:223)

Under The Throne Of Allah (S.w.t.)

Aqab bin Amir, from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), who said to Ali (A.s.)

(O Ali(A.s.)!)  Do not blame people about your love because your love is stored under the Throne of Allah (S.w.t.), and not everyone can have it. It comes down from the sky based on fate.

(Ref: Bihar Al Anwar 39:286)

The Most Beloved Creation Of Allah (S.w.t.)

Dawud bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Abbas narrated from his father, from Abdullah bin Abbas, who said:

Someone bought the grilled bird for Holy Prophet(S.a.w.w.) (to eat).

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “O Allah! Bring your most beloved one from your creation (to eat with me)”
The Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) said, “O Allah! Befriend his friends, and antagonize those who antagonize him.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 38:231)

The Messenger of The Jinn

Jabir Al-Jo’fi, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (S.a.w.w.) who said:

One day while the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.), was giving a speech in the mosque of Kufa, a snake entered the mosque, People started hitting it with their  shoes.
Ali  bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) said to them, “Wait! May Allah (S.w.t.) have mercy on you! This snake is a commissioner.”

So people stopped hitting the snake. The snake came close to Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) and started whispering in his ears.

Then the snake came down from the Mimber and Ali (A.s.) followed it.

The people asked, “O Commander of the Believers! Will you not tell us what the snake said to you?”

He replied, “I will. The snake said, “I am the messenger of Jinn. They (wanted me to ) tell you: “If people loved and obeyed you the way we do, Allah (S.w.t.) would not punish mankind in Hell.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 39:249. Madinatul Maajiz Chapter 21 Hadith 82)

Who Will Never Lead You Astray

Asbagh bin Nobatah, from Salman, from the Messenger of Allah (Sw.t.) who said:

O people of Muhajerin and Ansar! Should I guide you to someone who will never lead you astray if you hold on to him?

The people replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)!”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “This is Ali (A.s.) my brother, my successor, my minister, my heir my caliph, and he is your Imam. Love him for your love for me, and honour him the way you honour me. Jibraeel ordered me to tell you whit I just said.

(Ref: Amaali Of Tousi 1:27)

The Three Statements

The scholar Abu jaafar Mohamma bin Ali bin Hussain bin Babeweyh narrated from Abdullah bin Jaafar Al-Hemyari, fro Ahmad bin Mohammad bn isa, from his father, from Yunus bin Abdul Rahman, from Mansour Allah (S.w.t.)-Sailaq, from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq (A.s.) from his father (A.s.) from his grandfather (a.s.), from the Commander of the Believers (A.s.) from, the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), who said:

On the night of Me’raaj, Allah (S.w.t.) entrusted three statements to me.

Allah (S.w.t.) said, “O Mohammad (S.a.w.w.) !”

“I am at your service , O my Lord,”, I replied.

Allah (S.w.t.) said, “Ali (A.s.) is the Imam of the pious, the glorified leader of the companions of Paradise, and the leader of the believers.”

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 385)

Allah (S.w.t.) Looked At The Earth

Mohammad bin Isma’eel Al-Alawy, from Ahmad bin Ali bin Mahdi bin Sadaqa Al-Reqqi, from his father, from Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (A.s.), from Musa bin jaafar (A.s.), from Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.),from Mohammad  bin Ali (a.s.), from Ali bin Hussain (A.s.), from Husain bin Ali (A.s.), from the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) who said”

The Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) said to me:

Allah (S.w.t.) looked at the earth and chose me, and then He looked again and He chose you, You are the father of my sons. You repay my debts and fulfill my promises. On the Day of Judgment, you will be (next to me) by the Pool.

Blessed are those who love  you, and woe unto those who hate  you.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 37:222)

Who Are Those People

Abdullah bin Shoraik, from Abi Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.), who said:

Abu Bakar, Omar, Zabair, and Abdul Rahman bin Awf went to visit the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.). The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) entered and sat with them, He gave his shoe to Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) (to fix them) because his boot straps were ripped.

Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said:

There will be some people sitting on pulpits made of lignt to the right of Allah (S.w.t.) and His Throne. Their faces and their clothes will be made of light, a light (that is so bright) that it blinds those who look at it.
“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)!who are those people?” Abubakar (La.) asked. But the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) did not reply.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)!who are those people?” Zubair (La.) asked. But the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) did not reply.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)!who are those people?” Abdul Rahman(La.) asked. But the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) did not reply.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! Who are those people?” Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) asked.

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) replied, “They are the people who loved (in the way of Allah (S.w.t.)) with  the light of Allah (S.w.t.), regardless of family ties or wealth. They are our Shia, O Ali (A.s.) and you are their Imam.”

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 39:216)

Seventy Thousand People

The Holy Prophet (S.a.w.w.)  said:

Seventy thousand people from my nation will enter Paradise without Judgment.

Then the Prophets (S.a.w.w.) looked at Ali (A.s.) and said, “They are your Shia, and you will be waking in front of them.”

Saturday, 21 September 2013

The Three Statements

The scholar Abu jaafar Mohamma bin Ali bin Hussain bin Babeweyh narrated from Abdullah bin Jaafar Al-Hemyari, fro Ahmad bin Mohammad bn isa, from his father, from Yunus bin Abdul Rahman, from Mansour Allah (S.w.t.)-Sailaq, from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq (A.s.) from his father (A.s.) from his grandfather (a.s.), from the Commander of the Believers (A.s.) from, the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), who said:

On the nignt of Me’raaj, Allah (S.w.t.) entrusted three statements to me.

Allah (S.w.t.) said, “O Mohammad (S.a.w.w.) !”

“I am at your service , O my Lord,”, I replied.

Allah (S.w.t.) said, “Ali (A.s.) is the Imam of the pious, the glorified leader of the companions of Paradise, and the leader of the believers.”

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 385)

Allah (S.w.t.) Looked At The Earth

Mohammad bin Isma’eel Al-Alawy, from Ahmad bin Ali bin Mahdi bin Sadaqa Al-Reqqi, from his father, from Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (A.s.), from Musa bin jaafar (A.s.), from Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.),from Mohammad  bin Ali (a.s.), from Ali bin Hussain (A.s.), from Husain bin Ali (A.s.), from the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) who said”

The Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) said to me:

Allah (S.w.t.) looked at the earth and chose me, and then He looked again and He chose you, You are the father of my sons. You repay my debts and fulfill my promises. On the Day of Judgment, you will be (next to me) by the Pool.

Blessed are those who love  you, and woe unto those who hate  you.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 37:222)

Who Are Those People

Abdullah bin Shoraik, from Abi Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.), who said:

Abu Bakar, Omar, Zabair, and Abdul Rahman bin Awf went to visit the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.). The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) entered and sat with them, He gave his shoe to Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) (to fix them) because his boot straps were ripped.

Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said:

There will be some people sitting on pulpits made of lignt to the right of Allah (S.w.t.) and His Throne. Their faces and their clothes will be made of light, a light 9that is so bright) that it blinds those who look at it.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! who are those people?” Abubakar (La.) asked. But the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) did not reply.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! who are those people?” Zubair (La.) asked. But the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) did not reply.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! who are those people?” Abdul Rahman(La.) asked. But the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) did not reply.

“O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! Who are those people?” Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) asked.

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) replied, “They are the people who loved (in the way of Allah (S.w.t.)) with  the light of Allah (S.w.t.), regardless of family ties or wealth. They are our Shia, O Ali (A.s.) and you are their Imam.”

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 39:216)

Seventy Thousand People

The Holy Prophet (S.a.w.w.)  said:

Seventy thousand people from my nation will enter Paradise without Judgment.

Then the Prophets (S.a.w.w.) looked at Ali (A.s.) and said, “They are your Shia, and you will be waking in front of them.”

Friday, 20 September 2013

Those Conceived Legitimately.

Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.)  said:
On the Day Of Judgement, people will be called by the name of their mothes, except my Shia and those who love me, They will be called by the name of their fathes because they were conceived legitimately.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 7:241)

O Ali (A.s.)! Your Shia…..

From the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) who said to Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.),

O Ali (A.s.)! Your Shia are the winners on the Day Of Judgement. Therefore, those who insult one of them have insulted you, and those who insult you have insulted me, and Allah (S.w.t.) will take those who insult me to Hell, the worst destination for all eternity.

O Ali (A.s.)! You are from me and I am from you.  Your soul is from my soul, your clay is from my clay, and your Shia were created from the remainder of our clay. Those who love them love us, and those who hate them hate us, those who antagonize them antagonize us, and those who befriend them befriend us.

O Ali (A.s.)! The sins and mistakes of your Shia will be forgiven. O Ali (A.s.)! I will intercede for your Shia on the Day Of Judgement when I stand in my praised status, so give them these glad tidings.

O Ali (A.s.)! Your Shia are the Shia of Allah (S.w.t.), your supporters are the supporters of Allah (S.w.t.), your friends are the friends of Allah (S.w.t.), and your party is the party of Allah (S.w.t.).

O Ali (A.s.)! Blessed are those who follow you, and distressed are those who antagonize you,
O Ali (A.s.)! You have a treasure (Janabe Mohsin (A.s.)) in Paradise and you are its Dhus Qarnain (the owner of two branches) (Imam Hasan (A.s.) & Imam Hussain (A.s.)).

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 23)

Those Conceived Legitimately.

Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.)  said:

On the Day Of Judgement, people will be called by the nae of their mothes, except my Shia and those who love me, They will be called by the name of their fathes because they were conceived legitimately.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 7:241)

The People Of The Right Hand

Anbash Al-Abdi, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, said:

We were sitting with Abu Jaffar Mohammad bin Ali bin Hussain (A.s.), when he recited this vese, “Every soul is a pledge for what it has earned, except the people of the right hand” (74:38-39)
So someone asked, “Who are the people of the right hand?”

Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.) replied, “They are Shia of Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.)

(Ref: Taaawil Al-Ayaat 2: 737, Bihar Al-Anwar 7:292,24:8, Majma Al-Bayan 10, Tafseer Al-Qummi 702)

They Are The…..

Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.) said:

O people! Allah (S.w.t.), in His generosity, has honoured the family of your Prophet and He has entrusted them with His secret and His knowledge,

They are the pillars of Allah (S.w.t.)’s religion and they are the witnesses of his knowledge.

Allah (S.w.t.) created them before He created the creation and He kept them under the shade of His Throne.
Allah (S.w.t.) selected them and assigned them as the flags for His slaves and the guides to His path.
They are the Imams who are on the right path, they are the righteous leades and they are the justly balanced group.

They protect those who seek refuge with them and they save those who rely on them.
Those who follow them will be envied (on the Day Of Judgement) and those wh antagonize them will be destroyed.

Those who hold on to them will be the winners.

Prophet hood is about them, The angels descend to them and the RUHUL AMEEN (the guardian spirit) is sent to them.

Allah (S.w.t.) has given them that which He has not given to anyone in the whole universe.
They are the graceful branches and they are the blessed tree.

They are the sources of knowledge, they are the house of Prophet hood, they are the places of descent for the angels, and they are the family of the house of mercy and blessings.

They are the ones from whom Allah (S.w.t.) kept off every kind of impurity and whom Allah (S.w.t.) purified with a thorough purification
(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 26:253)

Winners On The Day Of Judgment

Abi Qulabah Allah (S.w.t.)-Hawbi, said:

I asked Um Salamah (may Allah (S.w.t.) have mercy on her) about te Shia of Ali (A.s.) and she said:
“I heard the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)  say, “The Shia of Ali (A.s.) are the winners on the Day Of Judgement.”

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 295 ,Oyoun Akhbar Al-Redha 2:52)

Allah (S.w.t.)’s Most Exalted Word

Ibne Abbas, from the Messenger Of Allah (S.w.t.) said:
Those who go against Ali (A.s.) after me are Kafers and those who believe that Ali (A.s.) has partners are polytheists.

Those who love Ali (A.s.) are believers and those who hate Ali (A.s.) are hypocrites.

Those who follow Ali (A.s.) will join him (on the Day of Judgement). Those who fight Ali (A.s.) are apostates, and those who oppose Ali (A.s.) will be destroyed.

Ali (A.s.) is the light of Allah (S.w.t.) in His land and Ali (A.s.) is Allah (S.w.t.)’s decisive argument on his creation.

Ali (A.s.) is Allah (S.w.t.)’s sword on His enemies. Ali (A.s.) is the heir of the knowledge of Allah (S.w.t.)’s prophets. Ali (A.s.) is Allah (S.w.t.)’s Most Exalted word, and Ali (A.s.) is the most hated word of his enemies.

Ali (A.s.) is the master of the successors, and he is the successor of the Master of the Prophets.
Ali (A.s.) is the Commander of the Believes, Imam Of the Muslims, and he is the glorified leader of the companions of Paradise.

Allah (S.w.t.) will not accept the belief of anyone who does not believe in the Wilayt of Ali (A.s.) and who does not obey him.

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 29).

Bliss Be On Those

Aba Maryam Al- Taqafi, from Ammar bin Yasir, who said:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) say to Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.)
O Ali! Bliss be on those who love you, and woe unto those who do not believe you and lie about  you.

(Ref: Bihar-Al-Anwar 39:286)

Loving & Hating Ali (A.s.)

The Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) said:

Allah (S.w.t.) has made it obligatory to obey me and He has forbidden you from disobeying e. Allah (S.w.t.) has ordered you to follow my commands.

Allah (S.w.t.) has made it obligatory to obey Ali (A.s.) after me, just (A.s.) he enjoined you  to obey me. And Allah (S.w.t.) has forbidden you from disobeying Ali (A.s.), just (A.s.) he has forbidden you from disobeying me.

Allah (S.w.t.) has assigned Ali (A.s.), the Commander of the Believers, (A.s.) my brother, my minister, my successor, and my heir.

Ali (A.s.) is from me and I am from him, Loving Ali (A.s.) is Iman and hating Ali (A.s.) is kufr.
Loving Ali (A.s.)  is loving me, and hating him is hating me.

Ali (A.s.) is the master of whomsoever I am the master, and I am the master of every Muslim.
Ali (A.s.) and I are the fathers of this nation.

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 22, Bihar Al-Anwar 38:91)

On The Fourth Sky

Anas, from the Messenger Of Allah (S.a.w.w.) who said:

When I reached the fourth sky on the night of Me’raaj, I saw the image of Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.), so I asked Jibraeel, “O Jibraeel! Is this Ali (A.s.)?”

Then I received a revelation that this was an angel that Allah (S.w.t.) created in the shape of Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.). Everyday seventy thousand angels come to visit this angel and praise and sanctify Allah (S.w.t.). And the reward for thir praise and sanctification is written for those who love Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.).

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 39: 110, Oyoun Akhbar Allah (S.w.t.) Redha 2:130)

Blessed Are Those

Ubaidullah bin Abdullah bin Mas’oud from ibn Abbas, who said:

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) looked at Ali (A.s.) and said:

O Ali (A.s.)! You are a master in this life and you are a master in the Hereafter. Those who love you love me, and those who hate you hate me. Those loved by  you are loved by me, and Allah (S.w.t.) loves those whom I love, Those hated by you are hated by me, and Allah (S.w.t.) hates those whom I hate. Blessed are those who love you after me.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 39:286)