The knowledgeable scholar Abu Najm Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab bin Isa
Al-Raazi, narrated from the scholar Abu Saeed Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Husain
Al-Neishaabouri, from Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Ahmad bin Husain, from Abu Ali
Hasan bin Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Ahwazi, from AbulQasemHasan bin Mohammad bin
Sahl Al-Faresi, from Abu Zar’ah Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Musa Al-Faresi, from
AbulHasan Ahmad bin Yaqoub Al- Balkhi, from Mohammad bin Jurayr, from Haitham
bin Husain bin Mohammad bin Omar, from Mohammad bin Harun bin Ammarah, from his
father, from Anas bin Malik, who said:
I was walking with the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.). When we got to
Baqee’, we saw a dead tree. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) sat under this
tree and it became green and fruitful.
It offered shade to the Prophets so he smiled and said to me, “Go and
get Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) for me.”
I went to the house of Fatema (s.a.) and found Ali (a.s.) eating.I
said to him, “The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) calls you, so answer his call.”
Ali (a.s.) came running until we got to the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). The
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) told Ali (a.s.) to sit next to him. I watched them talk and
laugh together, and I noticed that Ali’s face was shining brightly.
Then I saw a dish made of gold that was decorated with corundum and
other jewels. The dish was filled with grapes and dates, although it was not
the season for such fruits.This dish had four corners with a message inscribed
on each corner:
“There is no god but Allah (swt). Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah
(swt),” was the message inscribed on the first corner of the plate.
“There is no god but Allah (swt). Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah
(swt). Ali bin AbiTaleb (as) is Allah (swt)’s Wali. And Ali is Allah (swt)’s
sword on the disloyal ones, the perfidious, and the apostates,” was the message
inscribed on the second corner of the plate.
“There is no god but Allah (swt). Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.).
I supported Mohammad by giving him Ali bin AbiTaleb (as),” was the message
inscribed on the third corner of the plate.
“Those who believe in the religion of Allah (swt) and follow the
family of the Prophet will be saved,” was the message inscribed on the fourth
corner of the plate.
The Prophets (saww) started eating from this dish and feeding Ali bin
AbiTaleb (a.s.) until they were full, and then the dish disappeared.
Then the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) asked me (Anas), “Do you know
what this tree is?”
I replied, “Yes.”
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said:
Three hundred and thirteen prophets have sat under this tree and three
hundred and thirteen successors have sat under this tree. There is no Prophet
more honorable than myself and there is no successor more honorable than Ali
bin Abi Taleb (as).
O Anas! Those who want to see Adam (as) and his knowledge, Ibrahim (s)
and his reverence, Sulaymaan(as) and his judgement, Yahya (as)and his
asceticism, Ayoub(as) and his patience, and Isma’eel (as) and his truthfulness,
should look at Ali bin AbiTaleb (as).
O Anas! Allah (swt) has chosen one minister for every prophet but He
has chosen four for me: two in the heavens and two on earth. My two ministers
in the heavens are jibraeel and Mikaeel, and my two ministers on earth are Ali
bin AbiTaleb and my uncle, Hamza.
(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 39:128. MadinatolMaajiz 245.)
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