Monday, 1 April 2013

Allah (s.w.t.)Has Given Me Five Virtues

The scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Babeweyh, narrated from the blessed scholar Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the great scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Riah Al- Qarashi, from his father, from Abu Ali Hasan bin Mohammad, fromHasan bin Mahboub. from Ali bin Reaab from AbiBaseer, from Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.), who said:

Once Abu Dhar and Salman went looking for the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). They were told that he had gone toward Quba. They went to look for him and found him in Sujood under a tree. They sat down waiting for him to come up but he took so long that they thought he might have fallen asleep. They moved to wake him up but he raised his head.

The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said:
I could see and hear you, and I was not sleeping. Allah (swt) sent every prophet before me to his nation with his own language, but He sent me to all nations with Arabic.

He has given me five virtues that He has never given to any prophet before me:

He supports me with fear in the heart of the enemies; people believe in me by hearing about me even if they are at one month’s traveling distance away from me;

He has made plunder in wars permissible for me;

He has made earth pure and clean and assigned it as a place for my Sujood, and I can use it for TAYAMMUM (ablution with dust) wherever I am and pray on it.

He has allowed every prophet to ask Him for one thing. They all asked Him and He granted their requests in this world. But I delayed asking until the Day of Judgement because I will ask Him to accept my intercession for the sinners from my nation and He will accept it.

Allah (swt) has given me the complete knowledge of everything, and He has not given this to any prophet before me. And He has given Ali (as) the keys and power of speech.

So my request will wait until the Day of Judgement and my intercession will be for those who die believing in Allah (swt) and associate no one with Him, accept me, follow my successor, and love my family. (as)

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 16:317. Amaali of Tousi 1:56. Khisaal of Sadouq 1:292)

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