Thursday, 29 March 2012

Love of Hazrat Ali (a) Leads to Paradise

A part from a lengthy narration. Hazrat Ali (as) tells Haris from Hamadan

"................Then Amirul Mo'mineen took (al-Harith) by his hand and said: "I hold your hand the way the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), held my hand and said (when I complained to him about the envious Quraish and the hypocrites)

'Surely, on the Day of Judgement, I shall hold the rope of Allah and cling to His safeguard, and you, O Ali,you shall hold fast to my safeguard, and your descendants shall cling to your safeguard, and your Shias shall hold fast to the safeguard of all of you.

' So what will Allah do to His Prophet? And what will the Prophet do to his successor? (The same shall we do to our followers). Take this, O Harith, the summary of all the details. Yes, you shall be with the one you love, and for you shall be what you have earned." He said this three times....................."

(Ref: Al-Amali Shaikh Mufeed: The First Assembly: Hadees No.3)


  1. Yes the Rasool e Akram (saaws) said I don't ask any thing in liu of my prophethood except love and affection to my near and dear one .
    He said I am leaving behind two grand items , the book of Allah and my Itrat.
    He further said hold fast the rope of Allah .
    See what the Ummah , the zalemeen, the munafeqeen did , they tied the rope on Mula's neck, they killed the Nabi's unborn grandson and they Martyred his daughter and they call them selves muslims, they are the ugliest caricature of Islam.

  2. sorry please read Maula (a s) for wrongly typed Mula's in above com.

  3. Your right Mr. Zaheer Husain they are not Muslim, they are terrorist in today world
