He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Muhammad b. Khalid al-Maythami reported to me from Abu Bakr Muhammad b. al-Husain b. al-Mustanir, who reported from al-Husain b. Muhammad b. al-Husain b. Masa'b, who reported from Abbad b. Yaqoob, who reported from Abu Abdil Rahman al-Mas'oodi, from Katheer al-Nawa', from Abu Maryam al-Khawlani, from Malik b. Dhamrah, that Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Abi Talib
(A.S.) said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, held my hand and said: "Whoever dutifully performed the five (daily) prayers, and then died with your love in his heart, he will have redeemed his pledge.
And whoever died with hatred for you, died a death of ignorance (i.e. the era before Islam), though he will account for his deeds as ordained by Islam.
And he who lives after you, with your love in his heart, Allah will end his life with security and faith, till he arrives near me at the Pool."
(Ref : Al-Amali-Shaikh Mufeed : The First Assembly : Hadees No. 7)
(Ref : Al-Amali-Shaikh Mufeed : The First Assembly : Hadees No. 7)
Ya' ALLAH let there be love of Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Abi Talib (AS)in my heart at the time of my death, please accept my this pray for the sake of Ahlul Baith (AS).
ReplyDeleteAmeen !