The scholar AbulBaqaa’ Al-Basri Ibrahim bin Husain bin
Ibrahim Al-Wafa narrated from Abu Taleb Mohammad bin Husain bin Q’tba, from the
scholar AbulHasan Mohammad bin Husain Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Wahbaan, from
Ali bin Habshi Al-Qooni, from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Abdul Rahman, from Yahya
bin Zakariyya bin Shaiban, from Nasr bin Mozahem, from Mohammad bin Umran bin
Abdul Karim, from his father, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), who said:
My father (Imam Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.)) entered the mosque
and saw a group of our Shia. He approached them and said Salaam to them.
Then he said:
I swear to Allah (s.w.t.) that I love your fragrance and your souls. You are following the religion of Allah (s.w.t.), and I swear to
Allah that if you knew your status you would envy yourselves.
So help us with piety and diligence. And those of you who
follow an Imam, follow him in his deeds.
You are Allah’s (s.w.t.) sign and you are His aids and supporters.
You are the foremost from the first, you are the foremost
from the last, and you are the foremost to enter Paradise.
We have guaranteed Paradise for you by the command of Allah (s.w.t.) and His Messenger (s.a.w.a.), and it is as if I can see you in Paradise,
competing with each other for locations.
Every man from amongst your believers is truthful and every
woman from amongst your believers is HOURI (pure maidens with big beautiful
The Commander of the Believers (a.s.) told Qanbar, “I have
glad tidings for you: Allah is angry with the entire nation except our Shia.”
Everything has an honour and the Shia are the honour of
religion. Everything has a base and the Shia are the base of religion. Everything has a master and the Shia are the masters of the
Everything has a witness and the Shia are the witnesses on
earth. Those who are against you (the Shia) are the ones indicated
in this verse, “Some faces will be downcast on that day, toiling, weary;
entering the blazing fire” (83:2-4)
Those of you who pray will be answered. And if you ask for
one thing, you will receive a hundred.
Oh how wonderfully Allah treats you!
On the Day of Judgement, our Shia will be brought out of
their graves with bright and shining faces, feeling safe without fear or
Allah (s.w.t.) loves our Shia even more than we love them.
(Ref :Bishaarat
Al-Shia by Sadouq,Borhan 4:454, Amaali ofSadouq500, Amaali of Tousi 2:332)
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