Wednesday, 20 June 2012

How the Angels Get Close To Allah (s.w.t.)

The chief scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Babeweyh narrated from his uncle Mohammad bin Hasan, from his father Hasan bin Husain, from his uncle Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali bin Husain. from his father, from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Attar, from his father, from Mohammad bin Abdul Jabbar, from Abi Ahmad Al-Azdi, from Abaan bin Othman, from Abaan bin Taghlob, from ‘Ikramah, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.w.), who said:

Allah (s.w.t.)  made me and Ali bin AbiTaleb (as)  brothers and Allah (s.w.t.)  married Ali  (as) to my daughter (sa)  on top of the seven skies with all of the high-ranked angels as witnesses.

And Allah (s.w.t.) made Ali  (as) my successor and caliph. Ali  (as) is from me and I am from Ali (as) . Those who love him love me, and those who hate him hate me. Even the angels get closer to Allah (s.w.t.)  by increasing their love for Ali (as) .

(Amanli of Sadouq 108, 223)

Love Of Ali Is Iman

Hadith Number 33

My father narrated from Abdullah bin Hasan Al-Moaddeb, from Ahmad bin Ali Al-Esfahani from Ibrahim bin Mohammad Al-Thaqafi, from Jaafar bin Hasan bin Ubaidullah bin Musa Al-Aabasi, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Selmi, from Abdullah bin Mohammad bin Aqeel, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) say, “Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) has so many virtues, and if one of his virtues was shared amongst all the people it would be enough for all of them.”

And I heard him say, “Of whomsoever I am his master, Ali (as) is his master.” And I heard him say, “Ali (as) is to me like Harun was to Musa.” And I heard him say, “Ali (as)  is from me and I  (s.a.w.w.)am from Ali. (as) ”

And I heard him say, “Ali is to me like my soul is to me. Obeying him is obeying me, and disobeying him is disobeying me.”

And I heard him say, “Ali’s (as)  wars are Allah’s (s.w.t.)  wars, and Ali’s  (as) peace is Allah’s (s.w.t.)  peace.”

And I heard him say, “Ali’s (as)  friends are Allah’s (s.w.t.) friends, and Ali’s (as) enemies are Allah’s (s.w.t.) enemies.”

And I heard him say. “Ali (as)  is Allah’s (s.w.t.) Caliph and His decisive argument on His creation.”

And I heard him say, “Love of Ali(as)  is IMAN (faith), and hating him is Kufr.”

And I heard him say, “The party of Ali (as)  is the party of Allah(s.w.t.), and the party of his enemies is the party of Shaytan.”

And I heard him say, “Ali (as)  is with HAQQ and HAQQ is with Ali (as); they will not separate until they come to me by the Pool.”

And I heard him say, “Ali (as) is the divider between Paradise and Hell.”

And I heard him say, “Those who abandon Ali (as) abandon me, and those who abandon me abandon Allah (s.w.t.).”

And I heard him say, “On the Day of Judgement, the Shia of Ali (as) are the winners.”

(Ref: Khisaal Al-Sadouq 2:496. Amaali of Sadouq 91)

What the Holy Prophet Said .....

Hadith Number 39
The chief scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Babeweyh narrated from his uncle Mohammad bin Hasan, from his father Hasan bin Husain, from his uncle Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali bin Husain, from his father, from Abdullah bin Hasan Al-Moaddab, from Ahmad bin Ali Al-Asfahani, from Ibrahim bin Mohammad Al-Thaqafi, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Kufi, from Salman bin Abdullah Al-Hashimi, from Mohammad bin Sanan, from Mofazz’al bin Amr, from Jabir Al-Jo’fi, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (s.w.t.) say to Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.), O Ali! You are my brother, my successor, my heir, and my caliph on my nation in my life and after my death. 

Those who love you love me, and those who hate you hate me. Your friends are my friends, and your enemies are my enemies. 

(Ref : Amaali of Sadouq 103)

Reward Equal To 1 million Hajj

Hadith Number 37
W.P.S: Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Hasan bin Walid narrated from Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Saffar, from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Isa. from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Abi Nasr Al-Bazanti, who said:

I read the following in the letter of AbulHasan Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (a.s.), “Tell my Shia that the reward of my ZIYARAT (visit) in Allah’s (s.w.t.) eyes is equal to one thousand Hajj.”

So I asked AbiJaafar (a.s.), his son (the Ninth Imam), “One Thousand!?”

He replied, “I swear to Allah, the reward is one million Hajj if you go for his Ziyarat knowing his true status.” 

(Ref :Amaali of Sadouq 61,104,O’younAkhbar Al Redha 1:257,Kamil Al-Ziyarah 306, Behar Al Anwar 29:198)

The Distributor Of Paradise and Hell

Hadith Number 36
The chief scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Babeweyh narrated from his uncle Mohammad bin Hasan, from his father Hasan bin Husain, from his uncle Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali bin Husain, from his father, from Saad bin Abdullah, from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Yahya, from Abbas bin Maaroof, from Abu Hafs Al-Abdi, from AbiHarun Al-Abdi, from AbiSaeed Al-Khordri, who said:

The Messenger of Allah (s.w.t.) said, “When you want to ask Allah (s.w.t.) for your needs ask him through the medium.”

So I (AbiSaeed Al Khodri) asked, “What is the medium?” The Prophet (s.a.w.w.) replied:

The medium is my ladder. It is in Paradise and it has one thousand stairs. The distance between each stair is the distance that a Persian horse will run in one month. The stairs are made of diamonds, aquamarines, corundum, silver, and gold.

On the Day of Judgement, it will be brought and placed in the middle of the ladders of other prophets, and compared to their ladders; my ladder will be like the moon shining amongst the stars.

So there will not be any prophet, truthful being, or martyr that does not say, “Blessed is the owner of this ladder.”

Then Allah will call with a voice that all of His prophets and all of the creation will hear, “This is the ladder of Mohammad.(s.a.w.w.)”

Then I will come with an ABA (gown) of light on my shoulders and I will have the crown of kingdom and dignity on my head. Ali bin Abi Taleb (as)  will be walking in front of me and he will be carrying my flag, the flag of praise which has the following written on it: ‘There is no god but Allah (s.w.t.) and those who achieve salvation are those with whom Allah (s.w.t.)  is pleased.’

When we (the Prophets and Imam Ali (a.s.)) will pass by prophets, they will say, “These two are high-ranked angels whom we do not know and whom we have never seen before.”

And when we will pass by the angels, they will say, “These two are two prophets.” I will reach the ladder and start climbing it, and Ali (as) will be following me. When we get to the top, I will sit on the highest stair and Ali (as) will sit on the next stair below.

There will not be any prophet, truthful one, or martyr who does not say. “Blessed are these two slaves. Look at how honourable they are in Allah’s (s.w.t.) eyes.”

Then Allah will call with a voice that all of the prophets, truthful ones, martyr, and believers will hear, “This is My love, Mohammad (s.a.w.w.) , and that is My WALI, Ali (as). Blessed are those who loved him (Ali bin AbiTaleb (a.s.)) and woe unto those who hated him and lied about him.”

After hearing this, there will not remain anyone who loved Ali bin Abi Taleb who (as) will not feel relieved and safe, and their faces will shine brightly. And there will not remain anyone who hated Ali (as), fought Ali (as) , or ignored his rights who will not be scared. (Rather, they will) be trembling with fear and their faces will become dark.

Then two angels will approach me: Rizwan, the keeper of Paradise, and Malik, the keeper of Hell.


And I will reply, “WA AALAIKA ASSALAAM. Which angel are you? And how beautiful you look and how good you smell!”

He will reply, “I am Rizwan, the keeper of Paradise, and these are the keys of Paradise. Allah (s.w.t.)  sends them to you. So take them, O Ahmad!”

I will tell him, “I have accepted this from Allah (s.w.t.) . Praise be to Allah (s.w.t.) who has honored me with this. Give the keys to my brother, Ali bin Abi Taleb (as).”

Then Malik will come forward and say, “ASSALAAMO ALAIKA YA AHMAD!”

And I will reply, “WA AALAIKA ASSALAAM. Which angel are you? How ugly you look and how scary is your face!”

He will reply, “I am Malik, the keeper of Hell. These are the keys of Hell. Allah (s.w.t.)  sends them to you. So take them, O Ahmad!”

I will tell him, “I have accepted this from Allah (s.w.t.) . Praise be to Allah (s.w.t.)  who has honored me with this. Give the keys to my brother, Ali bin Abi Taleb (as).”

Then Ali bin Abi Taleb (as)  will move with the keys in his hand until he stands on top of Hell. The blazes of fire will be flying, the flames will be extremely high, and the heat will be maximized. Ali (as)  will be holding Hell’s bridle.

Hell will say to Ali (as), “Be easy on me because your light is turning off my flames.”

Ali (as)will reply, “Rest assured, O JAHANNAM (Hell)!”

Then Ali (as) will say, “Take this and leave that alone. Take him – heis my enemy, and leave him – he is my friend.”

Hell will be obeying Ali (as) more (obediently) than any slave obeying his master. If he wants, Ali  (as) will move Hell right or left. On that day, Hell will be obeying Ali (as) more than anyone else ever obeyed Ali (as) . 

(Ref :Amaali of Sadouq 102)

On the Day Of Judgement...????

Hadith Number 32
W.P.S: Mohammad bin Ibrahim narrated from Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Jarir Al-Tabari, from Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Abdul Wahid Al-Khazzar, from Isma’eel bin Ali Al-Saadi, from Manee bin Hajjaj, from Isa bin Musa, from Jaafar Al-Ahmar, from A\bi Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.), from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), who said:

On the Day of Judgement, my daughter, Fatema (s.a.), will enter on an embellished camel from the camels of Paradise. The bridle of the camel will be made of wet pearls, the legs will be made of green emeralds, the tail will be made of musk, and the eyes will be made of red corundum.

There will be a dome of light on top of Fatema (s.a.) which will be transparent. Inside this dome will be Allah’s (s.w.t.) Forgiveness, and outside of it will be Allah’s (s.w.t.) Mercy.

There will be a crown of light on her head that has seventy corners. Each corner will be embedded with pearls and corundum, and it will shine like a bright star in the middle of the sky.

There will be seventy thousand angels to her right and seventy thousand angels to her left.

Jibraeel will be pulling the bridle of the camel and he will call with a very loud voice, “Lower your heads until Fatema (s.a.), the daughter of Mohammad(s.a.w.w.), passes.”

There will not be any prophet, messenger, truthful being, or martyr left who will not lower his head while Fatema (s.a.) passes until she is parallel to the Throne of Allah (s.w.t).

Then Fatema (s.a.) will throw herself from the camel and say to Allah (s.w.t.) , “O my Lord and my Master! Judge between me and those who were unjust to me.Judge between me and those who killed my sons.”

Allah (s.w.t.) will reply to her, “O My love and daughter of My love! Ask Me anything and I will grant it, and intercede on behalf of anyone and it will be accepted. I swear to My own Magnificence and Glory that no injustice of the unjust will pass by Me.”

She will say, “O my Lord and my Master! I intercede on behalf of my progeny, my Shia, the Shia of my Progeny, those who loved me, and those who loved my progeny.”

So Allah (s.w.t.) will call, “Where are the progeny of Fatema (s.a.) , her Shia, the Shia of her progeny, those who loved her (s.a.) and those who loved her (s.a.)  progeny?”

They will stand up and will be surrounded by the angels of mercy. Then Fatema (s.a.) will lead them all to Paradise. 

(Ref :Amaali of Sadouq 25)

The Well Of Um Ibrahim

Hadith Number 35

The chief scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Babeweyh narrated from his uncle Mohammad bin Hasan, from his father Hasan bin Husain, from his uncle Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali bin Husain, from his father, from Ahmad bin Edris, from Yaqoub bin Yazid, from Mohammad bin AbiUmair, from Mohammad Al-Qebti, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), who said:

People ignored what the Prophets said about Ali bin AbiTaleb (a.s.) on the day of the “well of Um Ibrahim,” just like they ignored what he said on the Day of Ghadeer.

The Prophets was sitting by the well of Um Ibrahim and his companions were sitting around him when they saw Ali bin AbiTaleb (a.s.) coming toward them.

No one made room for him to sit, so the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said:

O people! He is from my family and you disrespect him while I am still alive?!

I swear to Allah that even though I will leave you one day, Allah(s.w.t.) is never absent!

Bliss, happiness, and the best of tidings are for those who follow Ali (as) as their Imam and submit to him and to his heirs from his sons. I will surely intercede on their behalf because they are my followers. And those who follow me are from me. 

My intercession is a tradition that applied at the time of Ibrahim, and I am from Ibrahim and he is from me. My virtues are his virtues just as his virtues are my virtues, but my status is higher than Ibrahim’s status as my Lord says, “Offspring, one from the other; and Allah is hearing, knowing” (3:34). 

(Ref : Amaali of Sadouq 98)

Friday, 8 June 2012

O Ali! Your Shia Will Be Forgiven

W.P.S: Ahmad bin Hasan Al-Qattan narrated from Abdul Rahman bin Mohammad Al-Husaini, from Abu Jaafar Ahmad bin Isa bin Abi Musa Al-E’jli, from Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Ziyad Al-Az’rami, from Ali bin Hatam Al-Monqeri, from Shareek, from Salem Al-Aftas, from Saeed bin Jubayr, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of  (s.a.w.a.), who said to Ali bin AbiTaleb (a.s.)\

O Ali! Your Shia are truly the winners on the Day of Judgement. Those who disrespect any of them (the Shia), insult you. And those who insult you insult me, and Allah (s.w.t.)  will take those who insult me to the worst destination, Hell.

O Ali! You are from me and I am from you, your soul is from my soul, your clay is from my clay, and your Shia were created from the remainder of our clay. So those who love them (your Shia) love us, and those who hate them hate us. And those who oppose them oppose us, and those who are sincere to them are sincere to us.

O Ali! Your Shia will be forgiven regardless of the sins or mistakes they may have committed.

O Ali! Give these glad tidings to your Shia: I am their intercessor on the Day of Judgement with my honourable status.

O Ali! Your Shia are the Shia of Allah (s.w.t.), your supporters are the supporters of Allah  (s.w.t.) , your friends are the friends of Allah (s.w.t.) , and your group is the group of Allah (s.w.t.) .

O Ali! Those who follow you are blessed, and those who are against you are distressed.

O Ali! You are the owner of the treasure in Paradise and you are the owner of the two branches.

(Ref :Amaali of Sadouq 34)

The First Honor Allah (s.w.t.) bestows on a Believer

The scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Shahryar Al-Khazen narrated from the honorable Abul HasanZaid bin Naser Al-Alaway, from the honorable Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Alawy, from Omar bin Ibrahim Al-Kenani Al-Moqari, from Abu Hamed Mohammad bin Ibrahim Al-Hathrami, from Ali bin Shuaib Al-Samsar, from Abdul Rahman bin Qays bin Muawiya Al-Basri Al-Zaafarani, from Mohammad bin Omar bin AbiSalamah, from AbiHuraira, from the Messenger of  (s.a.w.a.), who said:

The first honour that  Allah (s.w.t.) bestows on a believer (after his death) is that He forgives those who attend his funeral.

The Light Of His World

W.P.S: AbiJaafar Mohammad bin Ali bin Babeweyh, from Mohammad bin Ali, from his uncle, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Kufi, from Mohammad bin Sanan, from Ziyad bin Monthir, from Saeed bin Jubayr, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of  (s.a.w.a.), who said:

Those who are against Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) after me are Kafers. Those who associate an equal to Ali (as) are Kafers.Those who love him are believers, and those who hate him are hypocrites.Those who try to live by his example will reach him.Those who fight him are apostates.Those who disagree with him are bound to be destroyed.

Ali  (as) is the light of Allah (s.w.t.) on His land and His decisive argument on His slaves. Ali is Allah (s.w.t.)’s  (as) sword on His enemies. Ali  (as) is the heir of all of the prophets. Ali (as) is the most elevated of Allah (s.w.t.)’s words, ...... Ali  (as) is the heir of the master of the prophets.

Ali (as) is the Commander of the Believers. Ali (as)  is the leader of the pious and the Imam of the Muslims.

Allah (s.w.t.) does not accept anyone’s faith who does not accept his (Ali’s (as)) Wilayat and does not obey him. 

(Ref :Amaali of Sadouq 19)

The Holy Prophet (sa) will intercede for

Sadouq narrated from Mohammad bin Omar Al-Jo’aabi Al-Hafez Al-Baghdadi, from Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Thabet bin Konanah, from Mohammad bin Hasan bin Abbas Al-Khozaa’ee, from Hasan bin Husain Al-Arani, from Amr bin Thabet, from Ataa” bin Sayeb, from IbnYahya, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of  (s.a.w.a.), who said:

I will intercede for four groups of people even if the sum of their sins is equal to all of the inhabitants of the earth: those who fight for my progeny; those who look after the needs of my progeny; those who try hard when my progeny asks them; and those who love my progeny with their hearts and with their tongues. 

(Ref : Behar Al-Anwar 68:123)

What The Holy Prophet (sa.w.w.) taught

Sadouq narrated from Mohammad bin Omar Al-Jo’aabi Al-Hafez Al-Baghdadi, from Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Thabet bin Konanah, from Mohammad bin Hasan bin Abbas Al-Khozaa’ee, from Hasan bin Husain Al-Arani, from Amr bin Thabet, from Ataa’ bin Sayeb, from IbnYahya, from Ibn Abbas, who said:

The Messenger of Allah (s.w.t.) went on top of a MINBAR (pulpit) and gave a speech in which he said:

O Believers! Allah(s.w.t.) revealed to me that my death is approaching soon and my cousin, Ali, will be murdered.

O people! I will teach you something today. If you follow it you will survive, and if you do not, you will perish.

My cousin, Ali, is my brother and my minister.He is my caliph and he is the informer on my behalf.He is the Imam of the pious and the leader of the believers.

If you seek guidance from him, he will guide you. And if you follow him, you will survive. If you disobey him, you will be lost.

If you follow him, you have followed Allah (s.w.t.). If you disobey him, you have disobeyed Allah (s.w.t.).If you pay allegiance to him, you have paid allegiance to Allah (s.w.t.)

And if you break his allegiance, you have broken your allegiance with Allah (s.w.t.)Allah(s.w.t.) sent the Qur’an to me, and those who go against it are lost. 

Those who look for knowledge of the Qur’an anywhere other than with Ali will perish. O people! Listen to me and pay attention to the truth of my advice!

Do not disobey me in the matter of my family except about those whom you are ordered! (Referring to some disbelievers like some of the uncles of the Prophets or some of his wives).

Those who protect them (the family of the Prophets), protect me. My family are my guardians, my relatives, my brothers, and my children.

Beware that you will be gathered and asked about the two weights that I left behind. So pay attention to how you treat them after me.

They are my family. Those who hurt them, hurt me. Those who are unjust to them are unjust to me, and those who humiliate them humiliate me. 

Those who respect them respect me, and those who honour them honour me. Those who help them help me, and those who fail them fail me.

Those who seek guidance anywhere else have called me a liar.

O people! Fear Allah(s.w.t.)  and think about how you will respond to me when you meet me on the Day of Judgement because I am the enemy of those who hurt my family.

I say these words and I seek forgiveness for myself and for you. 

(Ref :Amaali of Sadouq 62; Refer to Footnote Number 142)

Those Who Follow Them Follow Me

Sadouq narrated from Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Masroor, from Husain bin Mohammad bin Aamer, from Moaalla bin Mohammad Al-Basrl, from Jaafar bin Sulaymaan, from Abdullah bin Hakam, from his father, from Saeed bin Jubayr, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of Allah (s), who said:

Ali (as) is my heir and my successor. His wife is the Master of All of the Worlds’ Women and my daughter, Fatema. My sons, Hasan and Husain, are the Masters of the Youth of Paradise.

Those who follow them, follow me. Those who antagonize them, antagonize me. Those who are hostile to them, are hostile to me. Those who abandon them abandon me, and those who respect them respect me.

O ! Allah (s.w.t.) associate with those who associate with them, and dissociate from those who dissociate from them. Support those who help them, and fail those who betray them.

O ! Allah (s.w.t.) Every prophet had a family who was honoured and respected. So this is my family and my honour: Ali, Fatema, Hasan, and Husain. Keep them pure from any undeanliness and purify them with a thorough purification. 

(Ref :Amaali of Sadouq 56 and also with a different reference in 382)

Thursday, 7 June 2012

What Jibraeel Said.....

Sadouq narrated from Husain bin Ahmad bin Edris, from his father, from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Khalid, from Abbas bin Maaroof, from Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Khazzaz, from T’alha bin Zaid, from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq (a.s.), from his father, from his father (a.s.), from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), who said:

Jibraeel came to me from Allah (s.w.t.) and said, “O Mohammad! Allah (s.w.t.) sends His Salaam to you and tells you to give these glad tidings to Ali bin AbiTaleb,  (as)‘Allah (s.w.t.)  will not punish those who follow him, and He (s.w.t.) will not have mercy on those who antagonize him (as). 

(Ref :Amaali of Sadouq 42)

The Wilayat Of Allah (s.w.t.)

Sadouq narrated from Husain bin Ahmad bin Edris, from his father, from Ibrahim bin Hashim, from Mohammad bin Senan, from Abu JaroodZiyad bin Monthir, from Saeed bin Jubayr, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), who said:

The Wilayat of Ali bin AbiTaleb is the Wilayat of Allah (s.w.t.). Loving Ali bin AbiTaleb is worshipping Allah (s.w.t.). Following him is made mandatory by Allah (s.w.t.). His friends are the friends of Allah (s.w.t.), and his enemies are the enemies of Allah (s.w.t.) . His group is the group of Allah(s.w.t.) , and his peace is the peace of Allah. 

(Ref :Amaali of Sadouq 36)

Holy Prophets (s.a.w.w.) Group & The Group Of Shaytan (la)

The scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Shahryar Al-Khazen narrated from Abu Mansour Mohammad bin Mohammad bin Abdul Aziz Al-Moaddel, from AbulHasan bin Rozaqoweyh Al-Akbari, from Abu Umair bin Sammak, from Ali bin Mohammad Al-Qazwini, from Dawud bin Sulaymaan bin Wahab bin Ahmad Al-Qazwini Al-Thoghari, from Ali bin Musa Al-Redha, from Musa bin Jaafar, from Jaafar bin Mohammad, from Mohammad bin Ali, from Ali bin Husain, from Husain bin Ali, from Ali bin AbiTaleb (a.s.), from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), who said:

Those who want to board the ark of rescue and “Hold on to the strongest handhold which will not break off” (2:256) should follow Ali after me, be the enemy of his enemies, and follow the Imams of guidance from his sons. 

They are my successors, my love, and Allah’s (s.w.t.) decisive arguments on creation after me. They are the masters of my nation and leaders of the pious ones to Paradise. 

Their group is my group, and my group is the group of Allah (s.w.t.). And the group of their enemies is the group of Shaytan. 

(Ref : Amaali of Sadouq 26,O’younAkhbar Al Redha 292)

Mercy Is On Those Who......

The scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Mohammad Al-Tousi narrated from his blessed father the scholar AbiJaafar Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from AbulQasemJaafar bin Qulaweyh, from Abu Ali Mohammad bin Homam Al-Eskaafi, from Abdullah bin Jaafar Al-Hemiiari, from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Isa, from Hasan bin Saeed Al-Ahwazi, from All bin Hadid, from Saif bin Umairha, from Madrak bin Zuhairm, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), who said:

OMadrak! Just accepting our Wilayat is not enough. You also have to protect it and hide it from strangers. 

Convey my Salaam and Allah’s (s.w.t.) blessings to our followers. Tell them that Allah’s (s.w.t.) Mercy is on those who direct peoples’ love toward us, on those who teach the people that which their hearts can accept to their capacity, and on those who put aside that which is too heavy for the peoples’ hearts to bear

(Ref :Amaali of Tousi1:84, Amaali of Sadouq88)

Called With The Name Of Their Mothers Except The Shias

The scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Mohammad Al-Tousi narrated from his blessed father the scholar AbiJaafar Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from Abu Bakr Mohammad bin Omar Al-Jo’aabi, from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Husaini, from Ahmad bin Abdul Mon’em, from Amr bin Shimr, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, from AbiJaafar Mohammad bin Ali&, who said:

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said to Ali bin AbiTaleb (a.s.), “Should I give you glad tidings?”

Ali (a.s.) said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.”

The Prophets said:
You and I were created from the same clay, and our Shia were created from the remainder of the clay leftover from our creation. So on the Day of Judgement, people will be called with the name of their mothers except your Shia. Your Shia will be called with the name of their fathers because they were conceived legitimately. 

(Behar Al-Anwar 67:126, Amaali of Tousi 1:71.77)

Allah (s.w.t) Loves Them More Than We Do

The scholar AbulBaqaa’ Al-Basri Ibrahim bin Husain bin Ibrahim Al-Wafa narrated from Abu Taleb Mohammad bin Husain bin Q’tba, from the scholar AbulHasan Mohammad bin Husain Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Wahbaan, from Ali bin Habshi Al-Qooni, from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Abdul Rahman, from Yahya bin Zakariyya bin Shaiban, from Nasr bin Mozahem, from Mohammad bin Umran bin Abdul Karim, from his father, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), who said:

My father (Imam Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.)) entered the mosque and saw a group of our Shia. He approached them and said Salaam to them.

Then he said:

I swear to Allah (s.w.t.) that I love your fragrance and your souls. You are following the religion of Allah (s.w.t.), and I swear to Allah that if you knew your status you would envy yourselves.

So help us with piety and diligence. And those of you who follow an Imam, follow him in his deeds.

You are Allah’s (s.w.t.) sign and you are His aids and supporters.

You are the foremost from the first, you are the foremost from the last, and you are the foremost to enter Paradise.

We have guaranteed Paradise for you by the command of Allah (s.w.t.) and His Messenger (s.a.w.a.), and it is as if I can see you in Paradise, competing with each other for locations.

Every man from amongst your believers is truthful and every woman from amongst your believers is HOURI (pure maidens with big beautiful eyes).

The Commander of the Believers (a.s.) told Qanbar, “I have glad tidings for you: Allah is angry with the entire nation except our Shia.”

Everything has an honour and the Shia are the honour of religion. Everything has a base and the Shia are the base of religion. Everything has a master and the Shia are the masters of the gatherings.

Everything has a witness and the Shia are the witnesses on earth. Those who are against you (the Shia) are the ones indicated in this verse, “Some faces will be downcast on that day, toiling, weary; entering the blazing fire” (83:2-4)

Those of you who pray will be answered. And if you ask for one thing, you will receive a hundred.
Oh how wonderfully Allah treats you!

On the Day of Judgement, our Shia will be brought out of their graves with bright and shining faces, feeling safe without fear or sadness.

Allah (s.w.t.)  loves our Shia even more than we love them.

(Ref :Bishaarat Al-Shia by Sadouq,Borhan 4:454, Amaali ofSadouq500, Amaali of Tousi 2:332)

Of the Many Virtues Of Maula Ali (as)

The scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Hasan bin Husain bin Ali bin Ali bin Babeweyh, from Mohammad bin Hasan, from Hasan bin Husain, from his uncle the blessed scholar AbiJaafar Mohammad bin Ali, from Abul Abbas Mohammad bin Ibrahim bin Is’haaq Al-T’aleqaani, from Abdul Aziz bin Yahya, from Moghira bin Mohammad, from Raja’ bin AbiSalamah, from Amr bin Shimr, from Jabir Al-Jo’fi, from AbiJaafar Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.), who said:

When the Commander of the Believers, Ali Bin AbiTaleb (a.s.) came back from the Battle of Nahrawan to Kufa, he heard that Muawiya had been cursing and insulting him, and was killing his Shia. So he gave a speech in which he started by praising Allah (s.w.t) and by sending Salawat to the Prophets. He mentioned the blessings that Allah (s.w.t)  had bestowed on His Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and on him (as).

Then he said:

If it was not for this verse in the Qur’an, I would not mention what I am about to say.

Allah  (s.w.t)  says, “Keep recounting (make mention of) the bounties of your Lord” (93:11). 

O Allah, praise is only for You for Your countless blessings and Your unforgettable favours.

O people! I have heard the news (of Muawiya’s behavior) and I can see that my death is approaching and that you are ignoring my status.

O people! I leave behind that which the Prophets (s.a.w.w.)  left for you, the Qur’an and my family, which is the family of the Guide to Survival, the last of the prophets, and the Master of Nobility, Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.a.).

O People! You will not hear this after me except from a liar. I am the brother of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) and his cousin; I am the sword of his revenge and his pillar of intense strength and support.

I am the round molar of Hell and I am its fierce teeth. I am the supporter of orphans. 
I am the taker of souls.
I am Allah’s strength that cannot be suppressed. 
I am the disputer of wrong.
I am the killer of knights.

I am the destroyer of KUFR (disbelief). I am the son-in-law of the best of all creations.
I am the master of all of the successors and I am the heir of the best of the prophets. 
I am the door of the city of knowledge. 
I am the keeper of the knowledge of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) and I am his heir.

I am the husband of Batool , the Master of All of the Worlds’ Women, Fatema, the pure, the pious, the guided, the benevolent, the love of the love of Allah (the Prophet (s.a.w.a.)), the best of his progeny, and the flower of the Messenger of Allah(s.a.w.a.). 

His (Prophet) grandsons are the best of grandsons and my sons are the best of sons.

Is there anyone who can deny this? Where are the Muslims who believe in Qur’an?

My name in the Bible is “ILIYA,” and in the Torah is “BARI,” and in the Psalter is “ERI.” Indians know my name as “KAABER,” Romans know me as “BIT’RISA,” Persians know me as “JOBEIR,” Turks know me as “TABIR,” blacks know me as “HEYTAR,” priests know me as “BUSI,” Abyssinians know me as “BITRIK,” my mother knows me as “HEYDARA,” my nurse knows me as “MAYMOUN,” Arabs know me as “ALI,” Armenians know me as “FAREEQ,” and my father knows me as “Z’AHEER.”

Beware that I am the special one in the Qur’an with many names. Do not change these or you will lose your religion.

Allah says, “Fear Allah and be with the truthful ones” (9:119). I am the truthful one.I am the muezzin in this life and in the Hereafter, 

as Allah (s.w.t) says, “Then a muezzin between them will say, ‘The curse of Allah be on the unjust’ (7:44).” I am that muezzin.

And Allah (s.w.t) says, “An announcement from Allah and His messenger” (9:3). I am that announcement.

And Allah (s.w.t) says, “Verily Allah is with those who do good” (29:69).I am the one who does good.

And Allah (s.w.t) says, “Verily there is a reminder in this for whosoever has a heart” (50:37). I am the one who has a heart.

And Allah (s.w.t) says, “Those who remember Allah standing, sitting, and reclining” (3:191). I am the one who remembers.

And Allah (s.w.t) says, “On the heights shall be men who know them all by their marks” (7:46). Those men are my uncle (Hamza), my brother (Jaafar), my cousin (the Prophet (s.a.w.a.)), and I.

I swear to Allah (s.w.t), the creator of seeds, that Hell will not touch any of our lovers, and none of those who hate us will enter Paradise.

Allah (s.w.t) says, “He is who has created man from water, and made for him a relationship and son-in-law” (25:54). I am that son-in-law.

Allah  (s.w.t)says, “It might be retained by the retaining ears” (69:12). I am the retaining ear.

Allah  (s.w.t) says, “A man wholly belonging to one man” (39:29). I am that man for the Prophets. Mahdi (a.s.) is from my sons.

I have been made your test. The hypocrite is exposed through his hatred for me, and Allah tests the believers with my love. The Prophets promised me, “O Ali, no one loves you but a believer, and no one hates you but a hypocrite.”

I am the owner of the flag of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in this life and in the Hereafter.

On the Day of Judgement, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) will precede me, and I will precede my Shia. I swear to Allah that none of my Shia will be thirsty and none of them will be scared (on the Day of Judgement).

I have authority on my Shia, and Allah  (s.w.t)has authority on me.

Those who love me, love someone who loves Allah (s.w.t) . Those who hate me, hate someone who loves Allah.

I have heard that Muawiya (l.a.)  has insulted and cursed me! O Allah  (s.w.t)! Increase Your punishment on him and descend the curse on the one who deserves it, Ameen. O Lord of the Worlds, Lord of Isma’eel, and the sender of Ibrahim, You are Glorious.

Then he (Imam Ali (a.s.)) came down from the platform and he never addressed the public like that again for the rest of his life, which came to an end when IbnMoljam  (may Allah’s curse be on him) killed him.

(Ref :Maani Al-Akhbar 59)