Tuesday, 17 April 2012

What the Prophet said about Ali (AS)

He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar al-Je'abi reported to me from Abu Muhammad Abdullah b. Muhammad b. Saeed b. Ziyad b. Kananah, who reported from Ahmad b. Isa b. al-Hasan al-Hubi, who reported from Nasr b. Hammad, who reported from Amru b. Shimr, from Jabir al-Jo'fi, from Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali,peace be upon him, from Jabir b. Abdillah al-Ansari, who reported that:

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny said: Jibraeel descended to me and said: "Allah commands you to rise and confirm the excellence of Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, above others, by addressing your companions, so that they may convey to their posterity on your behalf.

And He commands all the angels to hear from you what you mention. And Allah, reveals to you, O Muhammad, that whoever opposes you in His command, for such a person (the destination) is hellfire; and whoever obeys, for such a person (the destination) is Paradise."

So the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, caused an announcement for congregational prayers. People gathered, and the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, set out to climb high on the pulpit. The first thing that he uttered was "I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, Most Merciful."

Then he said: "O people! I am the bringer of good tidings and I am the warner. I am the Prophet of
Makkah. I want to convey to you from Allah, Most High, regarding a man whose flesh is my flesh and whose blood is my blood. He is the treasure of knowledge, and it is he who Allah has chosen from this Ummah.

He selected him, guided him, befriended him and created me and him (of one essence). He made me excel above others by the Prophethood, and made him excel above other by making him my emissary. He made me be city of knowledge and him its gate. Made me the treasurer of knowledge and the purveyor of the laws from Him, and gave him (i.e. Ali) the successorship.

He made his matter quite manifest, and warned against enmity against him, and drew closer to Him those who love him. He forgave his Shias, and commanded all the people to obey him.

And surely, Allah says: 'Whoever takes him as an enemy, is My enemy, and whoever befriends him is My friend. And whoever shows hostility to him is hostile to Me, and whoever opposes him opposes Me. And whoever disobeys him, disobeys Me and whoever hurts him, hurts Me. And whoever hates him hates Me, and whoever loves him, loves Me. And whoever has an ill intention against him has the same against Me, and whoever plots against him, plots against Me. And whoever helps him, helps Me.

O people! Listen to what he commands you to do, and be obedient to him. I warn you of Allah's chastisement, (and of the day): 'On the Day when every soul will find all the good it has done face to face; and the evil it has done, it will wish that they might be a great distance between it and the evil it has done, and Allah cautious you to be wary of Him.' (3:30)."

Then he took Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him, by his hands and said: "O people! This is the master of the believers and the Proof of Allah (and His authority) over the entire creation; and the one who will fight the infidels.

O Allah! I have indeed conveyed and they are Your slaves. You have the power to reform them, so reform them (for the better) with Your mercy, O merciful of all the mercifuls. I seek forgiveness from Allah for myself and all of you."

Then he climbed down from the pulpit and Jibraeel came to him (again) and said: O Muhammad, Allah, Almighty, sends you His greetings and says: "May you be rewarded the best for conveying your mission. You have indeed conveyed your Lord's message, and have advised your Ummah, and you have (today) pleased the believers and you have grieved the infidels.

O Muhammad, your cousin will face tribulations and many will face tribulations because of him! O Muhammad, say: All praise be for the Lord of the worlds, and soon the wrongdoers shall know what
awaits them, and say it at all times."

(Ref Al-Amali Shaikh Mufeed The Forty First Assembly Hadees No.2)

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