Sunday, 7 February 2016

Except A Hypocrite

The scholar Abu Naim Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab bin Isa Al-Raazi narrated from Abu Saeed Mohammad bin Ahmad Al-Neishaboun‘, from Abu Hatam Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Hasan ALBazzaz. from Abu Ahmad Abdullah bin Mohammad bin Ahmad Al-Adl, from Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Sowali. from Mohammad bin Yunus Al-Qorashi. from Abdullah bin Dawud Al-Harbi. from Aamash. from Oday bin Thabet. from Zar bin Hubaish, from ALI IBN E ABU TALIB (ASWS) who said:

I swear to ALLAH (SWT) , the Glorious. who created the seed, that the Messenger of ALLAH (SAWW) promised me that no one loves me except a believer, and no one hates me except a hypocrite.

(Ref:  Arbaeen Shaykh Monbtajab Al Deen 43, Amaali of Sadouq 116, Amaali of Tousi 1:264)

Winners On The Day Of Judgement

The honourable Abul Barakat Omar bin Ibrahim bin Mohammad bin Hamza Al-Alawy
narrated from the honourable Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Nahhas, from
Ali bin Abbas Al-Bajali, from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Zohari Al-Rommani, from Othman bin
Saeed Al~Qosari. from Abu Yaqoub Yunus Al-Jo'fi. from Jablr, from Abl Jaafar Mohammad bin
ALI (ASWS) who said:

No one except our Shia will be forgiven. Our Shia are the winners on the Day of Judgement.

The Tree Of Goodness

The guardian scholar Abi Abdillah Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Shahryar Al Khazeen narrted from the scholar Abyu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin Husain Al qarashi,k from Hasan bin Mohammad bin Abdullah Al - Tamimi Al-Moqari, from Ali bin Husain bin Sufyan, from Ali bin Abbas, from Abbad bin Yaqoub, from  Yahya bin Yasar, from Amr bin Isma'eel Al- Hamadani, from Abi  Is'haaq, from Asem and Hareth bin Zamra, from ALI BIN ABI TALIB (ASWS) from the MESSENGER OF ALLAH (SAWW) , who said,

Me and my family are like a tree: I am the root of the tree, ALI (ASWS) is the branches of the tree, HASAN (ASWS) and HUSAIN (ASWS) are the fruits of the tree, and our Shias are the leaves of the tree, and only good can come from good.

(Ref: Aamali of Tousi 1: 363)