Saturday, 22 June 2013

“ O Ali (A.s.) !.....”

Isma’eel bin Razin, from his father, from Ali bin Musa Al-Redha, from his father Musa bin Jaafar, from Jaafar bin Mohammad, from Mohammad bin Ali, from Ali bin Husain, from Husain bin Ali (A.s.), from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) (s.a.w.a.) who said:

O Ali (A.s.)! You will be wronged after me. Woe unto those who fight against you, and blessed are those who fight for you.

O Ali (A.s.) ! You speak my words and you speak with my tongue after me. Woe unto those who object to you, and blessed are those who accept your words.

O Ali (A.s.) ! You are the master of this nation after me. You are the Imam of this nation and you are my caliph on my nation.

O Ali (A.s.) ! Those who abandon you in this world have abandoned me on the Day of Judgement, and those who are with you in this world will be with me on the Day of Judgement.

O Ali (A.s.) ! You were the first to believe in me and trust me. You were the first person who helped me with all of my affairs and you were the first person who fought against my enemies with me.

O Ali (A.s.) ! You were the first person who prayed with me at a time when others were in the slumber of ignorance.
O Ali (A.s.) ! You will be the first one who rises from his grave with me. You are the first person who will be resurrected with me, and you are the first person who will cross the Siraat’ with me.

Allah (S.w.t.) has sworn to His own Glory that He will not allow any slave to cross the Siraat’ except for those who carry a pass from you (that indicates) that they believe in your Wilayat and the Wilayat of the Imams from your sons.

O Ali! You will be the first person who comes to my Pool on the Day of Judgement.You will distribute water to your friends from the Pool and you will keep your enemies away from the Pool.

O Ali (A.s.) ! You will be accompanying me when I stand at MAQAAM AI- MAHMOUD (the praised status) in front of Allah (S.w.t.).

O Ali (A.s.) ! You will intercede for those who love us and your intercession will be accepted.

O Ali (A.s.) ! You will be the first one to enter Paradise carrying my flag. This flag of praise has seventy sides, and each side is wider than the sun and the moon.

O Ali (A.s.) ! You are the owner of the tree of Touba in Paradise. Its roots are in your house, and its branches are in the houses of your Shia and of those who love you. 

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 38:140. ‘Oyoun Akhbar AIRedha 2:6)

“O Allah (S.w.t.)! …..”

Abi I’shaaq, from Amr Thi Marw Saeed bin Wahab and Yazid bin Naqee’, who all said:

We heard Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) in Rohbah say, “I ask those of you who heard the speech of the Prophet (S.a.w.w.)  on the Day of Ghadeer to stand up for the sake of Allah (S.w.t.).”

Thirteen people stood up and testified the following:

The Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) said, “Do I not have more authority on the believers than they have on themselves?”

The people replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) .”

Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.)  took the hand of Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) and said,

Of whomsoever I am his master, this Ali (A.s.) is his master. O Allah (S.w.t.)! Befriend his friends and be the enemy of his enemies.

O Allah (S.w.t.)! Love those who love him, and hate those who hate him. O Allah (S.w.t.)! Support those who support him, and disappoint those who disappoint him.

(Amaali of Tousi 1:261)

About Bibi Shehzdi e Kaunain (S.a.)

Abu Zaid Yahya bin Katheer, from his father, from Abu Huraira, from the Messenger of Allah  (S.a.w.w.), who said:

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 68:133)

Like the two fingers

Abdullah bin Shareek, from Bishr bin Ghaleb, from

Husain bin Ali (A.s.), who said:

There are those who love us for this world. This world has both pious and immoral people in it.

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:259.)

Those who love and hate me

Yunus bin Hobab, from Abi Hazim, from Abi Huraira, from the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) who said:

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:256.)

Pass from Hazrat Ali (A.s.)

Isma’eel bin Musa Al-Fuzaari, from Mohammad bin Faz’eel, from Yazid bin Abi Ziyad, from Mujahid, from Ibn Abbas, who said:


(Ref: Bihar AI-Anwar 39:208. Irshaad Al-Quloob 2:257.)

The authority assigned by Allah (S.w.t.)

Hasan bin Ali bin Affan, from Hasan bin Al- ‘Atiyyah, from Soaad, from Abdullah bin Ataa’, from Abdullah bin Buraidah, from his father, who said:

The Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) sent Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) and Khalid bin Waleed on a mission (in one of the battles). He sent each of them separately, telling them that if they met, the commands of Ali (A.s.)were to be followed.

So we went our separate ways. Ali (A.s.) was far away from us but we saw Ali (A.s.)  capture a female prisoner.

I (Buraidah) was one of the people who hated Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) the most.
Khalid knew how much I hated him so he said to me. “O Buraidah, you have seen what Ali (A.s.) has done, so take my letter to the Prophet (S.a.w.w.)  and tell him.”

So I brought Khalid’s letter to the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.). I told him what Ali (A.s.) had done and I insulted Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.), looking down while I spoke.

When I raised my head and looked at the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.), I saw that he was enraged. I do not remember seeing him that angry except on the day of Qariz’ah.

The Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) looked at me extremely angrily and said, “O Buraidah! Have you become a hypocrite? O Buraidah! Ali (A.s.) is the authority assigned by Allah (S.w.t.) on you after me. Love Ali (A.s.) because he does what he is ordered to do.” After that day, Ali (A.s.) was the most beloved person in my heart.

(Ref : Amaali of Tousi 1:256)

No one can enter paradise without…..

Khalid bin Maad, from Noqadi, from Jabir, from Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.), from his fathers (A.s.), who said:

A man came to the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) and asked, “If one testifies that there is no god but Allah (S.w.t.), is he considered a believer?”

The Messenger of Allah  (S.a.w.w.) replied, “Our enemies will join the Jews and the Christians (on the Day of Judgement). No one can enter Paradise without loving me, and those who think they love me but hate Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) are liars.”

(Ref: Amaali of Sadouq 222.)

( Note : One of the possible meanings that can he derived from this valuable Hadith is that those who testify that there Is no god but Allah (S.w.t.) but do not complete it with the second and third statement of the testimony are the enemies to whom the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) refers in this Hadith.)

I advise those who believe in me

Abi Ubaida bin Mohammad bin Ammar bin Yasir, from his father, from Ammar bin Yasir, from the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.), who said:

Those who love Ali (A.s.) love me, and those who love me love Allah (S.w.t.). Those who hate Ali (A.s.) hate me, and those who hate me hate Allah (S.w.t.).”

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:254. Bihar Al-Anwar 39:281.)

Master of every believer

Abdullah bin Buraidah, from his father, from the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) (s.a.w.a.), who said:

The dwellers of paradise and hell

De’bel bin Ali Al-Khoza’ee, from his father, from Ali bin Musa Al-Redha, from Musa bin Jaafar, from Jaafar bin Mohammad, from Mohammad bin Ali, from Ali bin Husain, from Husain bin Ali, from the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb who said:

The Messenger of (S.a.w.w.) recited the verse, “Not equal are the inmates of the fire and the dwellers of Paradise. The dwellers of Paradise are the achievers” (59:20).

Then the Prophet (S.a.w.s.) said, “The dwellers of Paradise are those who obey me and submit to Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.)  after me and accept his Wilayat. The inmates of the fire are those who deny the Wilayat, breach the covenant, and fight against Ali (A.s.) after me.”

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:253)

Friday, 21 June 2013

The flag of guidance

Omar bin Ali, from Abi Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.) from his fathers (A.s.), from the Messenger of Allah  (S.a.w.w.), who said:

Allah (S.w.t.) gave me a covenant and said, “Listen.”

I said, “I am listening.”

Allah (S.w.t.) said:

O Mohammad (S.a.w.w.) ! Verily Ali (A.s.) is the flag of guidance after you. He is the Imam of My friends. He is the light of those who obey Me and he is My word to whom I have obliged the pious ones to be committed.

Those who love him love Me, and those who hate him hate Me. Give these glad tidings to Ali (A.s.) .

(Ref : Amaali of Tousi 1:251. Amaali of Sadouq 386. Arbaeen Montajah Al-Deen 58. Hityatol Awliyaa 1:66. Tareekh Baghdad 14:98.)

The people of the right hand

Hasan bin Mahboub, from Abi Zakariyya Al-Mouseli, from Jabir, from Mohammad bin Ali, from Ali bin Husain, from Husain bin Ali  (A.s.), who said:

The Messenger of Allah  (S.a.w.w.) said to Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.):

You are the person whom Allah (S.w.t.) used as an argument in the beginning of creation when people were shadows, when He asked them, “Am I not your Lord?”

“Yes,” they replied.

Allah (S.w.t.) asked them, “Is Mohammad (S.a.w.w.) not the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)?”
“Yes,” they replied.

Allah (S.w.t.) asked them, “Is Ali (A.s.) not the Commander of the Believers?”
All of the creation, except for a few, refused to answer that question. They were even less than a few. They are, “those of the right hand” (56:8).

(Ref : Bihar Al-Anwar 67:126, 26:272, 24-2. Amaali of Tousi 1:237.)

I fight with those

Abaan bin Thaghlob, from Abi Is’haaq, from Zaid bin Arqam, who said:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) say to Ali (A.s.), Hasan (A.s.), and Husain (A.s.), “I fight those who fight you, and I make peace with those who make peace with you.” 

(Ref :Bihar Al-Anwar 37:43,82. Amaali of Tousi 345).

If you love Ali (A.s.)

Sufyan Al-Hariri, from Abdul Mo’men Al-Ansari, from his father, who said:

I asked Anas bin Malik “Who was the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.)’s favourite person?”
Anas replied:

I have never seen anyone who had a higher status than Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) in the Prophet (S.a.w.w.)’s eyes. The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) used to send for Ali (A.s.) in the middle of the night and Ali (A.s.) would stay with him until morning.

Once the Prophet (S.a.w.w.)  asked me, “O Anas, do you love Ali (A.s.) ?”

I replied, “I love him because of your love for him.”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “If you love Ali (A.s.), Allah (S.w.t.) loves you. But if you hate Ali (A.s.), Allah (S.w.t.) will hate you. And if Allah (S.w.t.) hates you, He will burn you in Hell.”

(Ref : Amaali of Tousi 1:237)

About the people who have the best family

Abdul Rahman Al-Ansari, from Aamash Sulayrnaan, who said:

Once Mansour Al-Dawaniqi (l.a.), (the king who killed Imam Al-Sadiq (A.s.)) sent for me in the middle of the night. I (Aamash Sulayrnaan) thought to myself that the only reason he had sent for me at that time was to ask me about the virtues of Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.), and (therefore) he wanted to kill me.

So I wrote my will, wore my KAFAN (shroud), and went to him.

When I entered I said Salaam to him.

Mansour replied and asked, “What is this smell (of embalmment), O Sulaymaan?”

I replied, “When your messenger came and said that you wanted to see me, I thought to myself that the only reason you wanted to see me was to ask me about the virtues of Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.). And if I tell you about his virtues you will kill me.”

Mansour sat up and said, “There is no will nor power except with Allah (S.w.t.).”

Then he asked me, “O Sulaymaan, how many of his virtues have you narrated?” I replied, “Several.”
Mansour said, “I will narrate two of his virtues which I swear to Allah (S.w.t.) you have not heard before.”
Mansour continued:

I was running and hiding from the government of Bani Marwan. I had nothing except the shabby clothes I was wearing. I used to get close to people by pretending that I loved Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) and they used to feed me.

One night I arrived at a mosque at the time of Salaat Al-Maghrib. I thought to myself that I would enter the mosque, pray, and then ask for some dinner from the people.

After the prayer, I saw two young boys enter the mosque.

When the Shaykh (scholar) of the mosque looked at them he said, “Welcome to both of you and welcome to both of the people after whom you were named.”

I asked someone next to me, “How are these two children related to the Shaykh?”
He replied, “They are his grandsons and there is no one in this city who loves Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) more than he does. That is why he has named his grandsons Hasan and Husain.”
I (Mansour) went to the Shaykh of the mosque and said to him, “Should I narrate a Hadith that will please you?”
The Shaykh replied, “If you please me with your Hadith, I will please you with rewards.”

I (Mansour) said, “My father narrated from my grandfather, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.): when Fatema (S.a.) entered, crying. The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) asked her, “Why are you crying?”

She replied, “O Prophet of Allah (S.w.t.)! Hasan (A.s.) and Husain (A.s.) disappeared yesterday and I do not know where they spent the night.”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “O Fatema (S.a.), do not cry! They have Allah (S.w.t.) protecting them.”
Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.); raised his hands toward the sky and said, “O Allah (S.w.t.)! Protect them and keep them safe wherever they are, in desert or in sea!”

Then Jibraeel came down to the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) and said, “O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)! Do not be saddened! Hasan (A.s.)  and Husain (A.s.) are in the farms of Bani Najjaar and there is an angel that is guarding them. The angel has placed one of his wings under them as a carpet and his other wing over them to give them shade.”

So the Prophet (S.a.w.a.) and some of his companions moved toward the farms of Bani Najjaar. When they entered, they saw Hasan (A.s.) and Husain (A.s.) hugging each other. They also saw an angel who had placed one of his wings under them and his other wing over them to offer them shade.
The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) went to them, hugged them, and started to cry. Then he carried Hasan (A.s.) on his right shoulder and Husain (A.s.) on his left shoulder.

When they left the farm, Abu Bakr (l.a.) said to the Prophet (S.a.w.w.), “O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), let me help you by carrying one of them.”

The Prophet (S.a.w.a.) replied, “O Abu Bakr (l.a.), I am the best person to carry them and they are the best ones to be carried, and their father is even better than they are.”
Then Omar (l.a.) said to the Prophet (S.a.w.w.), “O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.), let me help you by carrying one of them.”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) replied with the same answer (he gave to Abu Bakr (l.a.)).

Then the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) (s.a.w.a.) said to Hasan and Husain (A.s.), “I swear to Allah (S.w.t.) that I am honouring you just like Allah (S.w.t.) has honoured you on top of His Throne.”

When they arrived at the mosque, the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) ordered Bilal to gather the people.

When the people had gathered, the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) went on the Minbar and said, “O people, should I tell you about the people who have the best grandfather and grandmother?”

The people replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.).

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “Hasan (A.s.) and Husain (A.s.) . Their grandfather is the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) and their grandmother is Khadija Al-Kubra (S.a.), daughter of Khuwailed, Master of the Women of Paradise.

O people, should I tell you about the people who have the best father and mother?”

The people replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.).

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “Hasan (A.s.) and Husain (A.s.). Their father is the man who loves Allah (S.w.t.) and His Messenger, and Allah (S.w.t.) and His Messenger love him. Their mother is Fatema (S.a.), daughter of the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) and the Master of All of the Worlds’ Women.

O people, should I tell you about the people who have the best paternal uncle and aunt?”

The people replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.)!”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “Hasan (A.s.) and Husain (A.s.). Their uncle is Jaafar Al-Tayyar, who has two wings in Paradise, and their aunt is Um Hani, daughter of Abu Taleb (A.s.). O people, should I tell you about the people who have the best maternal uncle and aunt?”

The people replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.).

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “Hasan (A.s.)  and Husain (A.s.). Their uncle is Qasem, son of the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) and their aunt is Zainab, (adopted) daughter of the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.).”
Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.)  looked at the people and said:

O Allah (S.w.t.)! You know that Hasan (A.s.) will be in Paradise, Husain (A.s.) will be in Paradise, their grandfather will be in Paradise, their grandmother is in Paradise, their father will be in Paradise, their mother will be in Paradise, their paternal uncle is in Paradise, their paternal aunt will be in Paradise, their maternal uncle is in Paradise, their maternal aunt will be in Paradise, and those who love Hasan (A.s.) and Husain (A.s.) will be in Paradise, and those who hate them will be in Hell.

(After narrating this hadith to the Shaykh of the mosque) the Shaykh asked me (Mansour), “Who are you?”
I replied, “I am from Iraq.”

He asked, “Are you an Arab or a slave?”

I replied, “I am an Arab.”

He said, “You narrate these Ahadith for people and you do not have anything?” So he gave me his aba and his mule. I later sold the mule for three hundred Dinars.

Then the Shaykh of the mosque thanked me and said, “I have a request.” I asked, “What do you want?”
He replied, “We have two brothers here. One of them is the Shaykh of another mosque and the other one is a muezzin. The Shaykh has loved Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) ever since he was born but the muezzin has always hated Ali (A.s.). I want you to go to the Shaykh and narrate a Hadith for him.”

I (Mansour) went to the other Shaykh’s house. When I knocked on the door, a young man opened it. When he saw me, he recognized the aba and the mule that the Shaykh had given me.

The (other) Shaykh said, “I am sure that the Shaykh has given you his aba and his mule because you love Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.), so narrate a Hadith for me.”

I said, “My father narrated from my grandfather, from Ibn Abbas, who said:

Once we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.), when Fatema (S.a.) came crying.
The Prophet (s.a.w.w.): asked her, “O Fatema (S.a.) , why are you crying?”

Fatema (S.a.) replied, “The women of Quraysh blame me and think that you have married me to a poor man who has no money.”

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said:

Do not cry, O Fatema (S.a.) ! I swear to Allah (S.w.t.) that I did not marry you to him before Allah (S.w.t.) married you to him on top of His Throne, and Jibraeel and Mikaeel witnessed it.

Verily, Allah (S.w.t.) looked from the top of His Throne and chose me from among all of His creation and sent me as a prophet. Then He looked again and He chose Ali (A.s.) as my heir and my successor. Ali (A.s.)  is the bravest, the most knowledgeable, the most just on his people, and the best divider. Hasan (A.s.) and Husain (A.s.) are the Masters of the Youth of Paradise, and Allah (S.w.t.) has honoured them and mentions their names in the Torah of Musa as Shabir and Shabour.

O Fatema (S.a.), do not cry! On the Day of Judgement, Ali (A.s.) will be resurrected with me and he will be honoured with me.

O Fatema (S.a.), on the Day of Judgement, I will be holding the flag of praise and people will be under the flag. Then I will give the flag to Ali (A.s.) because of how honourable he is in Allah (S.w.t.)’s eyes.
O Fatema (S.a.) , Ali (A.s.) will help me with the keys of Paradise.

Fatema (S.a.), Ali (A.s.) and his Shia are the winners on the Day of Judgement.

When I (Mansour) finished this Hadith, the young man asked me, “Who are you?”

I replied, “I am from Iraq.”

“Are you a slave or an Arab?” the young man asked. “I am an Arab,” I replied.

Then he gave me thirty dresses and ten thousand Dirhams.

Then he said, “You pleased me by narrating this Hadith so I want you to come to our mosque tomorrow and see my brother who hates Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.).

So I went to the mosque (the next day). While I was praying, I saw a young man next to me. While he was praying, his turban fell from his head. I looked at his head and it was like the head of a pig. I did not even know how to finish my prayers.

When he was leaving I said to him, “Why is your head like this?” He said, “You must be the friend of my brother.” I said, “Yes.”

So he took me to his house where he started crying profusely. Then he said:

I was a muezzin and I used to curse Ali (A.s.)  one thousand times a day. One day, I cursed him ten thousand times. When I came home, I saw the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) in my dream with his companions, with Hasan (A.s.) to his right and Husain (A.s.)to his left.

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.) and his companions sat down, but Hasan (A.s.)  and Husain (A.s.)were still standing. Hasan (A.s.)  had a glass in his hand and Husain (A.s.) had a jug (of water) in his hand.
Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “O Hasan (A.s.) , give me some water.” Hasan (A.s.) raised the glass and said, “O Husain (A.s.), pour some water.” Husain (A.s.) poured some water in the glass and gave it to the Prophet (S.a.w.w.). The Prophet drank the water and said.

“Give water to my companions.” So they gave water to them.

Then the Prophets said, “Give some water to that man who is sleeping over there.” Hasan (A.s.)  and Husain (A.s.) started to cry.

“Why are you crying?” the Prophet (S.a.w.w.)  asked them.

They replied, “How can we give water to a man who curses our father one thousand times a day and he has cursed him ten thousand times today?”

Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) stood up, extremely angry.

He walked toward me and said, “You curse Ali (A.s.)  while you know his status and closeness to me?!” Then he hit me.

Then the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) said, “Get away! May Allah (S.w.t.) change your creation!” I woke up and my head has looked like this ever since.

Then Mansour said to me (Sulaymaan), “Have you ever heard any Ahadith like these?”
“No,” I replied.

Then I said, “O King, give me permission to speak.” “You are safe. Speak,” he replied.
I (Sulaymaan) asked, “What is your opinion of those who killed Hasan (A.s.) and Husain (A.s.) ???
“They will be in Hell,” replied Mansour.

I asked, “What is your opinion of those who kill the sons of Husain (A.s.)?”

Mansour was silent for quite some time. Then he said, “Kingdom does not know father nor sons. You can go now and narrate as many Ahadith about the virtues of Ali as you please.”

While fighting with the Qaem (a.t.f.s.)

Jabir, said:

“After performing the rituals of Hajj, we went to Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.) to bid farewell to him. We asked him to give us some advice.”

Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.) said:

Those of you who are stronger should help those who are weaker. Those of you who are wealthy should be generous to the needy. Every one of you should advise your brothers just like you advise yourselves.
Conceal our secrets and do not raise the people against us. When you hear a Hadith from us, study it against the Qur’an. If it matches the Qur’an, accept it; if it does not match the Qur’an, ignore it. If you are confused about it, bring it back to us and let us explain it to you.

If you follow these instructions and do not disobey us and die before our Qaem rises, you will be considered a martyr. If you die after our Qaem rises, while fighting under his command, you will receive the reward of two martyrs. If you kill one of our enemies under his command you will receive the reward of twenty martyrs. 

(Amaali of Tousi 1:237)

They are conceived illegitimately

Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Abbas Al-Jowhari, from Ahmad bin Ziyad Al-Hamdaani, who said:

I saw a young boy who was about seven or eight years old reciting the following poem:

We will be distributing water by the Pool and we will be keeping strangers away from it. Those who come to the Pool will be pleased. No one will achieve victory except through us, and those who love us will not be disappointed.

We will please those who please us, and those who upset us are conceived illegitimately. Those who are unjust to us will see the consequences on the Day of Judgement.

So I (Ahmad bin Ziyad Al-Hamdaani) asked the boy, “Who wrote this poem?”

He replied, “The person who is reciting it.”

I asked, “Who are you?”  He replied, “I am from the sons of Ali (A.s.) and Fatema (A.s.). Let me be.”

(Bihar Al-Anwar 46:92; Manaqeb Aal Abi Taleb 3:294)

Now that you have asked me

Asbagh bin Nobatah, from Abu Ayyoub Al-Ansari, who said:

People asked the Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) about the Pool (of Kawthar).

The Prophet (S.a.w.w.)  replied:

Now that you have asked me I will tell you. Allah (S.w.t.) honoured me with the Pool and exalted me above all of the prophets before me. The Pool is as large as the distance between Aila and Sanaa’.

The number of jugs in the Pool is equal to the number of stars in the sky. Two bays of water flow into the Pool. The water in it is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. The pebbles in it are emeralds and rubies and the riverbed is made of musk.

Allah (S.w.t.) has placed a strict condition that only those from my nation with pure hearts and good intentions, those who submit to my successor after me, and those who pay their religious dues willingly, without force, will be able to come to the Pool.

Those who are not from the Shia of Ali (A.s.)  will be kept away from the Pool, just like you keep a strange camel away from a herd of camels.

Those who drink from it will never feel thirsty again.

a(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:232)

The chosen creation of Allah (S.w.t.)

Kulaib bin Muawiya Al-Saldawl, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), who said:

What stops you (Shia) from telling people that you believe in that which Allah (S.w.t.) has ordered you to believe? Tell people that Allah (S.w.t.) has chosen Mohammad (S.a.w.w.) and we have chosen to follow the family of Mohammad (S.a.w.w.). Therefore, we are following the chosen creation of Allah (S.w.t.). 

(Amaali of Tousi 1:231.)

The best of people after us

Dawud bin Sarhan, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), who said to him:

Convey my Salaam to my followers and tell them that I said:

May Allah (S.w.t.) have mercy on any two slaves who meet and mention our affairs. When any two slaves mention our affairs, the third person in their gathering will be an angel who seeks forgiveness for them.

When you meet, mention us in your gatherings and keep our affairs alive. The best of people after us are those who mention our affairs and invite others toward us.

(Ref : Amaali of Tousi 1:228)

What Jibrail told

Saad bin T’areef, from Asbagh bin Nobatah, from Salman Al-Faresi, who said:

I heard the Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.) (s.a.w.a.) tell Muhajerin and Ansar, “O Muhajerin and Ansar, should I guide you to someone? If you follow this person you will never get lost after me.”

They replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S.w.t.).”

The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said, “This is Ali, my brother, my successor, my minister, my heir, my caliph, and your Imam. Love him because of your love for me, and honour him because of your honour for me. Jibraeel ordered me to tell you what I just said to you.”

(Amaali of Sadouq 386; Amaali of Tousi 1:226)

You will be with us

Ayyoub bin Nuh bin Darraj, from Ibrahim Al-Mokhareqi, who said:

I described my faith to Jaafar bin Mohammad (A.s.) and said, “I testify that there is no god but Allah (S.w.t.) and He has no partners. I testify that Mohammad (S.a.w.a.) is Allah (S.w.t.)’s slave and His messenger. I testify that Ali (A.s.) is the just Imam after him, and after Ali (A.s.) , Hasan (A.s.), and after him, Husain (A.s.), and after him, Ali bin Husain (A.s.), and after him, Mohammad bin Ali (A.s.), and after him, you are the just Imam.”

Jaafar bin Mohammad (A.s.) said, “May Allah (S.w.t.) have mercy on you.”

Then Jaafar bin Mohammad (A.s.) said, “Live piously. I advise you to have piety, to be truthful, to be loyal, and to be trustworthy. Protect your stomach and your wombs

If you follow these instructions you will be with us in the highest levels of Paradise.”

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:226)

The reward of the ziyarat of Maula Imam Hussain (A.s.)

Mohammad bin Muslim, from Abi Abdillah Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), who said:

Allah (S.w.t.) has not created any creation greater in number than the angels. Everyday seventy thousand different angels come down to do Tawaf around Bayt Al- Maamoor.

Then they come down and do Tawaf around the Kaaba, after which they go to the grave of the Prophet (S.a.w.w.) and say Salaam to him. Then they go to the grave of the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.s.) , to say Salaam to him, after which they go to the grave of Husain (A.s.)  and say Salaam to him, and then they ascend back to the heavens. This will continue until the Day of Judgement.

He, who willingly and humbly goes to the Ziyarat of the Commander of the Believers (A.s.) , while knowing his status, will receive the THAWAB (reward) of one hundred thousand martyrs, his past and future sins will be forgiven, he will be resurrected while feeling safe, and he will have an easy judgement process. Angels will receive him (when he comes to do the Ziyarat) and when he returns home, angels will escort him to his house.

If he gets sick, angels will come and visit him, and if he dies they will follow him to his grave while seeking forgiveness for him.

Those who go to the Ziyarat of Husain, while knowing his status, will receive the Thawab of one thousand accepted Hajj and one thousand accepted Umrah, and Allah (S.w.t.) will forgive all of their past and future sins.

(Ref : Bihar Al-Anwar 100:122, Amaali of Tousi 1:218, Kaamil Al-Ziyaraat 114. Thawab Al-Aamaal 87, Kashf Al-Yaqeen 67. Mazaar Al-Kaheer 109)

The first four and the fifth

Jaafar bin Mohammad, from his father, from Ali bin Husain (a.s.) who said:

Allah (S.w.t.) has made five religious duties mandatory, and everything that Allah (S.w.t.) makes mandatory is beautiful: Salaat, Zakaat, Hajj, Siyaam, and our Wilayat.

People obeyed Allah (S.w.t.) in the first four and ignored the fifth one. I swear to Allah that the first four are not complete without the fifth.

(Ref : Bihar Al-Anwar 23:105)

The believer and the hypocrite

Sowaid bin Ghafla, from the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.), who said:

I swear to Allah (S.w.t.)  that even if I give the entire world to a hypocrite, he will not love me. And even if I hit the nose of a believer with my sword, he will not hate me. The Messenger of Allah (S.a.w.w.) has said, “O Ali (A.s.) , no one loves you but a believer, and no one hates you but a hypocrite.”

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:209)