Sunday, 24 February 2013

Even If You Come With The Good Deeds Of 70,000 Prophets.

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar Al-Tousi, narrated from his blessed father Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from Abul Hasan Ali bin Khalid Al-Maraghi, from Hasan bin Ali bin Hasan Al-Kufi, from Isma’eel bin Mohammad Al- Mozani, from Salaam bin Abi Umrah Al- Khorasani, from Saad bin Saeed, from Yunus bin Habab, from Ali bin Husain (a.s.), from the Messenger of Allah (swt) (s.a.w.a.), who said:

What is wrong with you people?! When you hear about the family of Ibrahim (as) you become happy and excited, but when you hear about my family your hearts become disgusted. I swear to Allah (swt), who has my life in His hand, that on the Day of Judgement, even if you come with the good deeds of seventy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), Allah (swt) will reject you if you do not accept my Wilayat and the Wilayat of my family.

(Ref : Aamali of Tousi 1: 140 , Aamali Al- Mufid 115)

No Tongue Can Praise Him.

The guardian scholar Abi Abdillah Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Shahryar Al-Khazen, narrated from Abu Abdillah Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Abbas, from his father, from the blessed scholar Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.) bin Husain bin Babeweyh, from his father, from Ali bin Ibrahim, from Ibrahim bin Hashim, from Yasir Al-Khadem, who said:

When Ma’moun (la) appointed Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (a.s.) as his Prime Minister, he ordered that Ali bin Musa Al-Redha’s (as) name be embossed on the currency of the time. He ordered the speakers to praise Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (a.s.) on the Minbars and he invited all of the poets to come and praise him.

All of the poets came, and Abu No’aas Al-Hasan bin Hani was amongst them. Every poet said something and praised Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (a.s.) except Abu No’aas.

Ma’moun complained and said to him, “O Abu No’aas! You are a Shia and you love this family. Why are you quiet? Why have you not recited a poem about Ali bin Musa?” Abu No’aas replied with the following poem:

They say that I am the most skillful poet and that my words are like a beautiful treasure.

And they ask me, ‘Why have you not recited a poem about Ali bin Musa (a.s.) and his virtues?’

And I reply, ‘Jibraeel was the servant of this Imam’s father. How can I praise such an Imam?’

No tongue can praise him and no one can give justice to his status.

So Ma’moun filled his mouth with pearls.

Yasir continued narrating in this same Hadith:

Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (a.s.) looked exactly like the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Those who had seen the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in their dreams would say that they could see the face of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in Ali bin Musa’s (as) face.

One day Ali bin Musa (a.s.) left the house of Ma’moun (la) riding a very swift mule. He was wearing beautiful clothes. Abu No’aas stopped him along his way and read the following poem:

They are pure from any sin, and praise is due to them whenever they are mentioned.

If a person is not related to this family, he has nothing of which to be proud.

Allah (swt) has chosen you from among His creation and He has made you pure.

You are from the higher world and you have the knowledge of the Qur’an and its chapters.

So Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (a.s.) told Abu No’aas, “You have never recited a poem as beautiful as this. May Allah (swt) reward you for it.” Then Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (a.s.) asked his servant, “How much money do we have?”

The servant replied. “Three hundred DINARS (gold coins).”

Ali bin Musa (a.s.) ordered the servant to take the money to Abu No’aas. When the servant came back, Ali bin Musa (a.s.) said to him, “I am afraid that Abu No’aas may think that this reward was insufficient. So take this mule to him as well.”

Only Through Them

The scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Babeweyh, narrated from the blessed scholar Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the great scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from the blessed scholar Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.) bin Husain bin Babewyeh, from his father, from Saad bin Abdullah, from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Isa, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (a.s.), from his fathers (a.s.), who said:

The Messenger of Allah (swt) (s.a.w.a.) said to Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.), “Write what I dictate to you.”

Ali (a.s.) said, “O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.)! Are you worried that I will forget?”

The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) replied, “No, I am not worried that you will forget. I have asked Allah (swt) to protect your memory and you will not forget anything. But write what I tell you for your partners.”

Ali (a.s.) said, “Who are my partners?” The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) replied:

They are the Imams from your sons. Allah (swt) pours the rains of His Mercy on my nation through them; Allah (swt) will answer the prayers of my nation through them; Allah (swt) keeps the evil away from my nation through them; And Allah (swt) will descend His Mercy on people through them. Then the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) pointed to Hasan (a.s.) and said, “He is the first Imam after you.” 

Then he pointed to Husain (a.s.) and said, “The Imams are from his sons.”

(Ref: amaali Of Sadouq 327)

Note: The above Hadees does not mean that the other Imams (as) forget because as the Holy Prophet (saww) has said that all of them are Mohammed (as) from the same noor. Its just a statement for them.

I Will Sit Them Next To Me

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Najm Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab bin Isa Al- Raazi. narrated from the scholar Abu Saeed Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Husain Al- Neishaabouri, from Abu Ali Ahmad bin Husain Al-Hafez, from Abul Hasan Mohammad bin Ahmad, from his father, from Mohammad bin Husain, from Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Saffar, from Ahmad bin Mohammad, from his father, from All bin Moghirah and Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Khath’ami, from Mohammad bin Bohlul Al-Abdi, from Jaafar bin Mohammad, from his father Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.), from his father Ali bin Husain, from his father Husain bin Ali (a.s.), from the Messenger of Allah (swt) (s.a.w.a.), who said:

On the night of Me’raaj after I passed all the doors and layers of light, Allah (swt) spoke to me and said:

O Mohammad (saww) ! Convey My Salaam to Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.) and tell him that he is My decisive argument on My creation after you. I pour down showers of blessings on people through him, and I protect them from the evils of this world through him.

I will use Ali (as) as My argument to people when they meet Me. So they should follow him, obey his orders, and abstain when he abstains. If they do, I will sit them next to Me and I will allow them to enter My  paradise. If they do not, I will put them with the worst of My enemies in Hell, and I will not care.

(Ref: Bihar Al Anwar 38:138.Mealo Manqaba 55. Madinatol Maajiz 157 H430)

Call For Many Deaths.....

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar Al-Tousi, narrated from his blessed father Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from Abu Bakr Mohammad bin Omar Al-Jo’aabi, from Ahmad bin Saeed Al-Hamdaani, from Abbas bin Bikr, from Mohammad bin Zakariya, from Katheer Ibn Tareq, who said:

I asked Zaid bin Ali bin Husain (as) (son of the Fourth lmam (a.s.)) about this verse, “(It shall be said to them) Do not call for one death but call for many deaths on this day” (25:14).

Zaid bin Ali bin Husain (a.s.) replied:

Katheer! You are a righteous man now and you are not of those described in this verse but I am worried about your future.

On the Day of Judgement, people will be ordered to follow the person whom they followed in this life. So if the person they followed goes to Hell they will follow him to Hell, and then they will start to weep about their destruction and doom.

They will tell the person whom they followed, “Get us out of here just like you led us here.”

And they will be told, “Do not call for one death but call for many deaths on this day” (25:14)

I heard my father, Ali bin Husain (a.s.), narrate from his father, Husain bin Ali (as), from his father, the Commander of the Believers (a.s.), from the Messenger of Allah (swt) (s.a.w.a.), who said,

“O Ali (as)! You and your companions will be in Paradise. O Ali (as)! You and your followers will be in Paradise.”

(Ref : Amaali of Tousi 1:56,138. Bihar Al-Anwar 7:178.13:101.24:270.)

He Knows Their Names

Mohammad bin Muslim narrated from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq (a.s.) who said:

Husain bin Ali (a.s.) is with Allah (swt) now and he looks at his grave and the place where he was killed. He looks at those who go to his Ziyarat and he knows them. He knows their names and the name of their fathers, and he knows their status and rank in Allah (swt)’s eyes better than you know your (own) children.

He sees those who cry on him and he seeks forgiveness for them, and he asks his father to seek  forgiveness for them and he says, “If my visitors knew what reward Allah (swt) has prepared for them, their happiness for themselves would be greater than their sorrow for me.”

Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.) added:

“Those who go to the Ziyarat of Husain (as) return with no sins.”

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:54. Bihar Al-Anwar 101:64.)

The Reward Of Ziyarat Of Imam Hussain (as)

The scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Babeweyh, narrated from the blessed scholar Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the great scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from Abul Qasem Jaafar bin Mohammad, from Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Jaafar Al-Hemiyari, from his father, from Dawud Al- Reqqi, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (a.s.), who said:

The sins of those who go to the Ziyarat of Husain (as) on the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan will be forgiven.

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:46m Bihar Al Anwar 101:100)

Those Who Keep Our Affairs Alive

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar Al-Tousi, narrated from his blessed father Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from Abul Qasem Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Qulaweyh, from his father, from Saad bin Abdullah, from Ahmad bin
Mohammad bin Isa, from Ahmad bin Is’haaq, from Bakr bin Mohammad, who said: 

I heard Jaafar bin Mohammad^ tell Khaithama:

O Khaithama! Convey my Salaam to our followers and advise them to live piously. Tell them to follow the funerals of the believers. Tell them to visit each other because when they meet, they mention us and our words.

Then he raised his hands and said, “Allah (swt)’s Mercy be on those who keep our affairs alive.”

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:135.)

If everyone loved Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.)....

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Najm Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab bin Isa Al- Raazi, narrated from the scholar Abu Saeed Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Husain Al- Neishaabouri, from Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Omar, from Abul Mofazz’al Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Mohammad Al-Shaibani, from Nasirul HAQQ Hasan bin Ali, from Mohammad bin Mansour, from Yahya bin T’alha Al-Yarboo’ee, from Abu Muawiya, from Layth bin Abi Saleem, from Tawoos, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of Allah (swt) (s.a.w.a.), who said:

If everyone loved Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.), Allah (swt) would not have created Hell.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 39:249. Amaali of Sadouq 523. Kashf Al-Ghommah 1:99. Manaqeto Ai-Khawarezmi 28. Toawil Al- Ayaat 2:497.0

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Jabirs Advice

The guardian scholar Abi Abdillah Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Shahryar Al-Khazen, narrated from Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.) Al-Barasi, from Abu Taher Mohammad bin Husain Al-Qarashi, from Abu Abdillah Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Hamran Al-Asadi, from Abu Ahmad Is’haaq bin Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.) Al-Moqari, from Abdulla, from Ubaidullah bin Mohammad bin Al-AyadI, from Omar bin Mudrik, from Yahya bin Ziyad Al-Maleki, from Jurayr bin Abdul Hameed, from Aamash, from Atiya Al-Awfi, who said:

Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari and I went to the Ziyarat of the grave of Husain bin Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.). When we entered Karbala, Jabir washed himself in the water of  Euphrates, wrapped himself with cloth, put some perfume on himself, and then started walking toward the grave, while glorifying Allah with each step. When we approached
the grave, he told me to take his hand and put it on the grave because he could not see. When I put his hand on the grave, Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari fainted. So I put some water on him.

When he awoke he said, “O Husain! O Husain! O Husain!”

Then Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari said:

My love does not answer his friend! And how can you answer when your jugular vein is separated from your neck and your head is separated from your body?

I testify that you are the son of the last Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), that you are the on of the Master of the Believers, that you are the son of the most pious, that you are the son of the path of guidance, and that you are the fifth of the AS’HAB Al-KISA.

You are the son of the master of all of the noble (as) ones and you are the son of Fatema (sa), the Master of All of the Worlds’ Women. And how can one expect anything less from you (given that) you were fed by the hands of the Master of the Messengers (saww), you were raised by the Imam (as) of the pious, and you were nursed from the source of faith?

You were blessed when you were alive and you are blessed when you are dead, but our hearts grieve from being separated from you. Allah’s blessings and His heavens are for you. I testify that you died just like your brother, Yahya, son of Zakariyya.

Then Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari looked around the grave and said:

Salaam to the souls who were killed for Husain (a.s.) and followed him to the last minute. I testify that you established prayers, you gave charity, you ordered people to do that which is right and lawful, you stopped people from doing that which is wrong and unlawful, you fought against the disbelievers, and you worshipped Allah (swt) until you were killed. I swear to Allah (swt), who sent Mohammad as a Prophet (s.a.w.a.), that we share the reward with you.

I (Atiya) said to Jabir:

O Jabir! How can you say that we share the reward when we did not do anything? We did not leave our families and we did not even swing our swords? But they fought and were killed. Their heads were separated from their bodies, their children became orphans, and their wives became widows. 

Jabir replied:

O Atiya! I heard my love, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) say, ‘Those who love a group will be resurrected with them, and those who love the deeds of a group will share their rewards.’ I swear to Allah that my intention and the intention of my friends (the companions of Imam Husain) is the same in regards to following Husain bin Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.).

Then Jabir said to me (Atiya), “Take me toward Kufa.” On the way to Kufa, Jabir said:Let me give you some advice because I do not think I will see you again. Love those who love the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as long as they love them. Hate those who hate the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as long as they hate them, even if they are extreme worshipers. Be kind to those who love the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), for even if their foot shakes from the right path because of their sins, Allah will keep them steady on it. Those who love the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) will eventually be taken to Paradise, and those who hate the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) will go to Hell.

(Ref: Bihar Al-Anwar 101:7-195.)

For Those Who Love And Hate

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar Al-Tousi, narrated from his blessed father Abu jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from Abul Hasan Mohammad bin Mozaffir, from Mohammad bin Abu Rabbih, from Is’aam bin Yusuf, from Abu Bakr
Al-Ayyash, from Abdullah bin Saeed, from his father, from Abu Huraira, from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), who said:

I will sustain those who love me with modesty and with the absolute essentials necessary to support life. But those who hate me will be given more wealth and more children.

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:132.)

Except From You And Your Friends

Omar bin Mohammad bin Hamza Al-Alawy Al-Zaidi narrated from Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Abdul Rahman Al-Alawy, from Zaid bin Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Hajib, from Abul Abbas Mohammad bin Husain bin Harun, from Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali Al-Hasani, from Mohammad bin Marwan Al-Ghazzal, from
Aamer bin Katheer Al-Sarraj, from Abi Jaroud, who said:

I said to Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.) in Makkah or Mina, “O son of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.)! There are many Hajjis here.”

Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.) replied, “There are only a few Hajjis here. Allah will not forgive anyone, except for you and your friends (the Shia). Allah will not accept anything (from anyone), except from you and your friends.”

(Ref : Bihar Al-Anwar 27:196.)

In A Way That Pleases You Immensely

W.P.S: Shaykh Al-Mufid, from Abul Hasan Ali bin Maraghi, from Abu Bakr Mohmmad bin Saleh Al-Saleeqi, from Abul Husain Saleh bin Ahmad bin Abi Moqatil, from Isa bin Abdul Rahman Al-Kufi Al-Haddad, from Hasan bin Husain Al-Aarani, from Yahya bin Ali Al- Hamdaani, from Abaan bin Taghlob, from Abi Dawud Al-Ansari, from Hareth Al-Hamdani, who said:

I went to visit the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.). Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.) asked me, “O Hareth! Do you love me?” I replied, “I swear to Allah (swt), yes, O Commander of the Believers.” The Commander of the Believers (a.s.) said:

You will see me in a way that pleases you immensely when you take your last breath. You will see me on the Day of Judgement in a way that pleases you immensely while I will be protecting the Pool from strangers, just like one protects his water from strange camels. You will see me in a way that pleases you immensely when I walk in front of the Messenger of Allah (swt.) on Siraat’ while carrying the flag of praise.

(Ref: Amaali of Tousi 1:47)

Each One Will Intercede For An Entire Nation

The scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Babeweyh narrated from Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No’man, from Abul Qasem Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Qolaweyh, from Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Jaafar Al-Hemyari, from his father, from Ahmad bin Abi Abdillah Al-Barqi, from Shareef bin Saabeq Al-Taflisi, from Abil Abbas Faz’l bin Abdul Malik, who said:

Abi Abdillah Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.) narrated from his fathers (a.s.), from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) who said: “The first thing written on the book of the believer after his death is what the other believers say about him. And the first gift that a believer is given after his death is that he and the believers in his funeral will be  forgiven.”

Then Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.) continued:

O Faz’l! Not everyone will be able to go to a mosque. Only the best of the nations and only the noble ones from each family will have this honour. O Faz’l! The least that you get out of going to mosque is one of the following three things: your prayers for going to Paradise will be granted; your prayers for protection from the evil in this world will be granted; or you will get to know another brother who will guide you to Allah. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said. “After believing in Islam, nothing is more beneficial than a brother who guides you to Allah.”
O Faz’l! Believers are called MO’MIN (believer) because they entrust Allah with all of their affairs and Allah  obliges.

O Faz’l! Do not belittle the needy from among our Shia because on the Day of Judgement they will intercede for an entire nation. Have you not heard Allah’s words about your enemies when they will see you interceding on behalf of your friends? “Now, we have no intercessors, nor any loving friends.” (26:100-101).

(Ref :Amaali of Tousi 1:46.)

The Strongest Handhold

The guardian scholar Abi Abdillah Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Shahryar Al-Khazen narrated from Abu Abdillah Husain bin Ahmad bin Jiraan, from Abu Abdillah Ahmad bin Isa Al-Saadi, from Abu Abdillah Ahmad bin Mohammad Al-Basri, from Abu Taleb Abdullah bin Faz?l Al-Maleky, from Abdul Rahman Al-Azdi, from Abdul Wahid bin Zaid. who said:

I went to Makkah and while I was in the middle of my TAWAF (walking around the Kaaba), I saw two maids talking to each other and saying, “I swear to the chosen successor, the just judge, the one with pure intentions, and the husband of the pleasant Fatema (a.s.) that it was not like this....”

So I asked the maid, “To whom are you referring with these descriptions?”

She replied, “I swear to Allah  (swt) that I am talking about the flag of the scholars, the door of judgement, the divider between Paradise and Hell, the pious of the nation, the master of creation, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.)?s brother, his heir, and his successor on his nation. I mean my master, the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.).”

So I asked the maid, “What has he done for you to describe him in this way?”

She said:
My father was one of Ali?s (as) followers and he was killed in the Battle of Siffeen. One day Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.) came to our house, and my brother and I were blind so when he saw us, he sighed and read this poem:

I have never sighed for anything as much as for children. Their father was killed, and he was once responsible for them in difficult times, at times of travel, and at all times. Then he held us close to himself and put his blessed hand over our eyes and said something.

When he removed his hand, our eyesight returned, and now I can see a camel from kilometers away. This is because of Ali?s (as) blessings, Allah?s (swt) blessings be on him. So I took two gold coins out of my pocket and tried to give it to the maid.

However, she smiled and said, “Stop! The best from the past (the Commander of the Believers (a.s.)) has assigned the best from those who remain to be responsible for us. Today we live with the blessings of Abi Mohammad Al-Hasan bin Ali (a.s.).”

Then she asked me, “Do you love Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.)?” I replied, “Yes.”

She said, “Then be happy because you have held the strongest hand hold which will not break off” (2:256).

Then she left reciting the following poem:
Allah?s (swt) blessings are on those who have the love of Ali (a.s.) in their heart. If one of their legs starts to shake off the right path, the other leg will keep them steady. Nothing would please me except being from the Shia of Ali (as) even if I had the entire world.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Foot On The Right Path

W.P.S: Abu Bakr Mohammad bin Omar Al-Jo?aabi, from Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Saeed Al-Hamdaani, from Abu Hatam, from Mohammad bin Furaat, from Hanan bin Sadeer, from Abi Jaafar Mohammad bin who said:

When Allah (swt) places the love of Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.) in someone?s heart, He will also stabilize his foot on the right path when it shakes.

(Ref :  Amaali of Tousi 1:132. Amaali of Sadouq 467)

If He Dies Without Our Wilayat

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar Al-Tousi narrated from his blessed father Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No?man, from Abu Bakr Mohammad bin Omar Al-Jo?aabi, from Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Mastour, from Abdullah bin Yahya, from Ali bin Aasim, from Abi Hamza Al- Thomali, who said:

Ali bin Husain (a.s.) asked us, “What is the best place in this world?”

We replied, “Allah (swt), His Messenger (saww) , and the son of His Messenger (as) know better.”

Ali bin Husain (a.s.) said, “The best of the places is between RUKN and MAQAAM  But if a person lives as long as Nuh, who preached for nine hundred and fifty years, fasts all of his days, and prays all of his nights in that place but dies without our Wilayat, he will not benefit from any of these (deeds).”

Those Who Grieve Her.....

W.P.S: Mohammad bin Mohammad, from Abul Hasan Ali bin Khalid Al-Maraghi, from Abul Qasem Hasan bin Ali Al-Kufi, from Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Marwan Al- Ghazzal, from his father, from Abdullah bin Hasan Al-Ahmasi, from Khalid bin Abdullah, from Yazid bin Abi Ziyad, from Abdullah bin Hareth bin Nowfel, from Saad ibn Abi Waqqas, from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), who said:

Fatema (sa) is a piece of my flesh. Those who please her please me, and those who grieve her grieve me. Fatema (sa) is the dearest person in my eyes.

(Ref : Amaali of Tousi 1:24. Amaali of Mufid 260).

People Are Our Slaves In Following Us

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar Al-Tousi narrated from his blessed father Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No?man, from the honourable Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Hamza Al- Tabari Al-Husaini, from Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Jaafar Al- Hemyari, from his father, from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Isa, from Marwan bin Abi Ubaid Al-Kufi, from Mohammad bin Zaid Al-Tabari, who said:

I was with Ali bin Musa Al-Redha (a.s.) in Khorasan and a group from the Bani Hashim, including Is?haaq bin Abbas bin Musa, were sitting around him. 

Imam Al-Redha (a.s.) said to Is?haaq:
Ishaaq! I was informed that you have told people that we say that people are our slaves. I swear on my relationship with the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that I have never made such a statement, and that I have never heard it from any of my fathers, and I have not heard this from anyone else who narrates from my fathers.

What we say is, “People are our slaves in obeying us, that is, following us in their religious affairs.” Those present should inform the others.

(Ref : Amaali of Tousi 1:21. Amaali ol Mufld 253 )

O My Daughter Are You Not Pleased.....

The pious Sayyid Abu Taleb Yahya bin Mohammad bin Mohammad bin Husain Al- Jowani Al- Husaini narrated from Sayyid Abu Abdillah Husain bin Ali bin Da?ee, from Sayyid Abu Ibrahim Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Husaini, from the judge Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Abdullah Al-Hafiz, from Ali bin Hammad Al-Adl, from Ahmad bin Ali bin Muslim, from Layth bin Dawud Al-Qabasi, from Mubarak bin Faz?allah, from Imran bin Hasin, who said:

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said to Fatema (a.s.), “Are you not pleased that you are the Master of All of the Worlds? Women?” Fatema (a.s.) replied, “What about Maryam, the daughter of Imran?”

The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) replied:
O my daughter! She was the Master of Women of her time but you are the Master of All of the Worlds? Women. I swear to Allah that your husband is the master in this world and he is the master in the Hereafter. No one loves him but a believer, and no one hates him but a hypocrite.

(Ref : Bihar Al-Anwar 39 : 278 Amaali of Sadouq 109)

Are You Not Pleased

The honourable Abul Barakt Amr bin Ibrahim bin Hamza Al-Alawy narrated from the honourable Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.) bin Abdul Rahman Al-Alawy, from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Hajib, from Ali bin Ahmad bin Amr, from Mohammad bin Mansour, from Harb bin Hasan Al-Sahhan, from Yahya bin Mosawer, from Abi Jarud, from Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.), who said:

O Abi Jarud! Are you (Shia) not pleased that your prayers are accepted, your Siyaam is accepted, and your Hajj is accepted? I swear to Allah that others pray but it will not be accepted, they fast but it will not be accepted, and they go for Hajj but it will not be accepted.

(Ref :Bihar Al Anwar 27:195)

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Loving Him.....

W.P.S: from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), who said:

On the Day of Judgement every slave of Allah will have to answer the following four questions to Allah  before being able to even move:

How did you spend your life?
How did you use your body?
How did you earn your wealth and how did you spend it?
Did you love the  family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.)?

So someone asked the Prophet (s.a.w.a.)s, “What is the sign of loving you?” The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) placed his hands over Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.)'s head  and replied, “Loving him.”

Ref :Amaali of Mufid 353, Amaali of Tousi 1:124

As An Entire Nation

W.P.S: Abdullah bin Moghirah, from Haidar bin Mohammad bin Naeem, from Mohammad bin Omar, from Mohammad bin Mas‟oud, from Mohammad bin Ahmad Al- Nohadi, from Muawiya bin Hakam Al-Dohani, from Sharif bin Sabeq Al-Taflisi,  from Hammad Al-Samandari, who said:

I said to Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), “I travel to non-Muslim countries and  some people tell me that if I die in those countries I will be resurrected with them.”

Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.) asked, “When you are in those countries, do you talk about us and invite people to us?”

“Yes,” I replied. Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.) asked, “But if you were in Muslim countries would  you have
talked about us and invited people to us?”

“No.” I replied.

Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.) replied, “When you die you will be resurrected as  an entire nation and there will be a light that leads your way on the Day of  Judgement.”

Who So Ever Follows Me

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar Al-Tousi narrated from his blessed father Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No‟man, from Abu Abdillah Husain bin Ahmad bin Moghirah, from Haidar bin Mohammad Al-Samarqandi, from Mohammad bin Omar Al-Kashi, from Mohammad bin Mas‟oud Al-Ayyashi, from Jaafar bin Maaroof, from Yaqoub bin Yazid, from Mohammad bin Adhaafer, from Omar bin  Yazid, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.), who said:

“O Ibn Yazid! I swear to Allah that you are from us.”

Omar bin Yazid said, “May I sacrifice my life for you! Do you mean one of  you, as in the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.)?”

Jaafar bin Mohammad (a.s.) replied:
Yes, I swear to Allah that you are of the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). 

Have you not read Allah‟s words, “Verily, the nearest of men to Ibrahim are surely those  who followed
him, and this Prophet (s.a.w.a.) (Mohammad), and those who believe; and Allah is the guardian of the faithful” (3:68). 

Have you not read Allah‟s words, “So  whoever follows me, he is surely of me, and whoever disobeys me, then verily You are the  oft-forgiving, the merciful” (14:36)

Tafseer AIQummi 1:105. Borhaan 1:291. Taawil Al-Ayaat 1:114.

Red Yellow And White Aqeeq

The scholar Abu Mohammad Hasan bin Husain bin Babeweyh narrated from the blessed scholar Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi. from Shaykh Al-Mufid Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No‟man Al-Harethi, from Abul Hasan Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Hasan, from his father, from Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Attar, from Hasan bin Musa Al-Khashnb, from Ali bin No‟man, from Basheer Al-Dahhan, who said:

I asked Abi Jaafar Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.) (a.s.), “What kind of a stone should I use for my ring?”

He replied:

Red Aqeeq, yellow Aqeeq, or white Aqeeq because these three mountains are in Paradise. The mountain of red Aqeeq overlooks the house of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), the mountain of yellow Aqeeq overlooks the house of Fatema (sa), and the mountain of white Aqeeq overlooks the house of Ali bin Abi Taleb (a.s.), and these three houses are one house.

Three rivers run from under the three mountains of Aqeeq. Their water is colder than ice, sweeter than honey, and whiter than milk. No one except Mohammad (s.a.w.a.), his family, and their Shia can drink from these rivers.

All three rivers start from the river of Kawthar and run to the same estuary.

The three mountains of Aqeeq sanctify, glorify, and praise Allah, and seek forgiveness for those who love the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.).

So those Shia who wear Aqeeq will see nothing but good and blessings in their sustenance and health, and they will be protected from all troubles.
Aqeeq protects Shia from unjust rulers and from everything else which causes fear.

Amaali of Tousi 1:36

The Tears Of Slaves

The knowledgeable scholar Abu Ali Hasan bin Abi Jaafar Al-Tousi narrated from his blessed father Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Tousi, from the scholar Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Mohammad bin No‟man. from Abu Amr Othman bin Ahmad Al-Daqqaq, from Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Malik, from Ahmad bin Yahya Al-Azdi, from Mokhawwal bin Ibrahim, from Rabee‟ bin Monthir, from his father, from Husain bin Ali (a.s.), who said:

The tears of those slaves who shed tears on us will be collected and kept in containers in Paradise for them.

(Amaali of Mufid 175,340. Amaali of Tousi 1:116)

Love My Family For Me

The honourable Abul Barakat Omar bin Ibrahim bin Mohammad bin Hamza narrated from Abul Hasan Ahmad bin Mohammad Al-Thoghoor, from Abul Hasan Ali bin Amr bin Mohammad Al-Sokkari Al-Harbi, from Abu Abdillah Ahmad bin Hasan bin Abdul Jabbar Al- S’oufi, from Abu Zakariyya Yahya bin Ma’aan, from Hisham bin Yusuf, from Abdullah bin Sulaymaan Al-Nowfeli, from Mohammad bin Ali (a.s.), from his father, from Ibn Abbas, from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.). who said:

Love Allah (swt) for that with which He has blessed you, love me for Allah (swt), and love my family (as) for me.